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He'd needed time to think, and had spent most of the night contemplating what he was going to do with regards to Eva being accepted.

He'd come to the conclusion that he didn't need anyone's approval of her, least of all from his friends. Well, it was just Natasha that had spoken her mind, however he'd not asked Bucky and Sam their thoughts. They may have seemed to like Eva, but there was always a chance that deep down they were just as concerned.

"Is she awake?" He asked Kate as she came out of Evangeline's room with a basket full of laundry.

"She's resting - doesn't feel too good today". The servant warned him.

"Yeah, last night left a bad taste in my mouth too, and it wasn't because of blood". He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "So she won't let me see her?"

Kate looked conflicted over this. "I'd say it's best to let her sleep for now. She's really tired, looks a little pale. Maybe see her this evening? It looks like she could be sleeping through the afternoon".

He trusted her opinion. "Ok, but if she's awake and you talk to her before I do, can you let her know that she shouldn't worry about what Nat thinks.".

"Already told her that last night". Kate replied. "What about Sam and Bucky? Did you speak to them?"

He shook his head. "At this point I'm just in the state of mind where I'm thinking that I don't give a fuck about anything else. This was my decision and mine alone, if there's a consequence then it's me who'll deal with it".

"You tell Natasha that?" She smirked.

"Sometimes trying to get through to her is like trying to talk through a brick wall". Steve admitted. "I need to make a statement though - a point that this is how it's gonna be, that the town may see a human occasionally visit and that she's not to be touched".

"And how'd you plan on doing that? I think everyone knows not to harm her considering I've heard all the talk about her. I think you've scared them into submission already".

Steve looked determined though. "No. They need to see she's with me. I need to take her to the court".

Kate looked a little wary. "Do you think that's a good idea considering she's still getting over the meeting with your friends?" She couldn't imagine what it must feel like to be in Eva's shoes, but she knew that Steve cared a great deal about the human girl. So much that Kate was sure her master was falling in love with her - or in fact already was given their recent sleeping arrangements. She'd not commented on it though and Eva herself had admitted that it was complicated. 

"It's the only way forward". 

"Then I trust you". 

"At least someone around here does". 


Evangeline had slept for most of the afternoon again, her body feeling weak and bones aching as she sat up and stretched. Immediately there was a knock at the door and Steve walked in. "I sensed you were awake, how are you feeling after last night?" 

"Like shit". 

He nodded to himself and muttered, "as expected" then came and perched on the edge of the bed next to her. "I'm sorry about what Nat said, you're not just the human - you're more than that to me, and nothing else matters". He took her hand. "I've decided that I don't give a crap what people's opinions are - I know last night was terrible, but I want to take you to the court, not just to show you what it's like, but to show everyone that no one dares touch or harm a hair on your head. Any grievances they have? They bring to me. Your my decision, and my consequence. No one else's". 

"I don't want to be anyone else's". She admitted, accepting what happened had happened and there was nothing else that could be changed, other than Nat's mind - which seemed set in one opinion currently. 

He gently pushed her back against the pillows and crawled over her, lips now meeting her own and savouring every part of her that he could touch. Hands slid under her nightgown, caressing her breasts - her scent overwhelming him. His lips hovered above her own. "One bite..." He promised. "Just one drop". He didn't want to keep drinking from her, but it was all he needed to be satisfied. 

"Go on". She nodded as he moved down to the inside of her thigh and softly sank his teeth in. The blood filled his mouth, bringing him out of the spiral he had found himself in, and he pulled away, wiping the corner of his mouth. 

Once he'd moved back off her, she sat back up and pulled her nightgown down. "I'll go to court with you". She now told him, which surprised him as he was going to tell her to think about it. "I'm not scared". 

"You've got no reason to be. You're with me, and as long as you are then you're safe". 

"I know, because I felt that from the moment I met you". 

She leant in and stole another kiss from him. "I might take a bath, you wanna join me?" 

"Like I'd ever say no to that". He told her and went to draw the bath himself, adding the bubbles into the warmth before stripping down and getting, Eva now walking in and letting her nightgown drop to the floor. There was a small ripple of frustration sounded at the back of his throat, and she stepped in, settling down between his legs so she could rest back against him. 

Eva closed her eyes, Steve's strong arms holding her against his body as they lay enjoying the warmth and company of one another. She was content, he could feel it like he usually could - and right now that was good enough for him. 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now