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Evangeline was fully aware that once again she'd woken up screaming. The same recurring dream of her being dragged to the alter before being accused of being a vampire waking her every night. Every night she put off heading to Steve's room, but after another two weeks of it happening, she was feeling even more vulnerable than she had been before.

Climbing out of bed, she headed down the hallway to two large double doors, knocking on them gently and then opening them. She'd been right in believing his room to be just as nice as her own. It was larger, with mahogany furniture and a dark canopied bed large enough to fit at least four of her in. Steve himself was sat by the fireplace where the flames were crackling away.

"The same dream again..." He stated, having heard her every night for the last couple of weeks. As tempting as it had been to burst into her room and soothe her back into slumber, he'd simply decided not to, not wanting to frighten her anymore than she already was. 

"How did you..."

"The whole house can hear you Eva".

She stood there, feeling bad. "Sorry if I woke you - or anyone else".

"I barely sleep, remember? And neither do my staff - But I am concerned..." He now looked to her, the shadows cast from the flames flickering over her face. He could only bet that she looked just as exquisite in moonlight than she did now. Gesturing to the seat across from him, she settled herself in it.

"I don't know how to make it go away..." Her voice was small, almost shaking, and it wasn't because the chill of the night air. "To make it stop. It's the same thing over and over, every night". Now her eyes rested on his own. They were the usual blue, however the 'wine' that was next to him on the table probably was keeping him at bay. "What's it like?"

Steve shifted. "What's what like?"

"Being you, how you are - did it hurt when you were turned?" Burning questions she'd been wanting to ask, but feared that she might cross a line. Ok she was able to see beyond the charm thanks to his witch friend, but other than that? Nothing. She'd mainly kept to herself and the gardens just so as she wasn't burdening him. But that didn't stop the intrigue - the need to know more. 

He shook his head. "I don't remember - but being me isn't something you should be asking".

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overstep".

"It's fine. But it's a life that you shouldn't find appealing".

"Have you ever turned someone?" She now asked and then wished she hadn't.

Steve thought for a moment. "I have, but not for malicious purposes. More to save a life - and even then it's not guaranteed that it will work. If the person's not strong enough then they die..." He sat back. "I've only turned two people, my two best friends - because after I became what I am? They wanted to understand. They took the risk and it worked. You'll meet them at some point, they have their own homes in the city - are part of the army so they come and go depending".

Eva watched him, curling up on the arm chair. "Something tells me that you have more power than you let on".

"I do". He nodded, his face serious. "Because the city is mine".

"Yours? As in..."

"Vampire Lord, although it's not exactly something I share freely among newcomers - you seemed to have guessed right. They look to me for guidance, and I have enough power and control to rage hell on them if needed. They fear me, but only because I make them. They don't see this side. I only allow the rare few to witness it".

She felt her eyes grow heavy by the minute, but fought to stay awake - especially after that piece of information. Kate had mentioned about the court before but Eva had only thought that it was something Steve attended as a guest. Not as the one who controlled it all.  "I feel privileged". Then pausing for a moment. "Can you ever sense who your mate is? If you were to look at them or something? Would you know?"

"Sometimes, but others it doesn't always show that easily".

"What would it feel like if it did. If it were a case of just looking at them".

Steve watched her intensely. "Lust. Carnal lust", taking one last sip of the wine/blood whatever it was, he rose from his chair. "You're tired again. Don't fight the sleep. You need it".

Eva sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I'm fine, I'm awake, I feel..."

"Terrified...you don't want to close your eyes because you know you'll be pulled back into the same nightmare again". He turned his attention to his bed. "You're more than welcome to sleep here, might be a comfier bed..."

"No, I couldn't - and my own bed is fine. Thank you anyway". All the while she was yawning and fighting against the sleep that calling to her. "I should...get back to my..." Her yawns were breaking up her words and her body betrayed her by settling back into the armchair more.

She didn't fight against Steve as he lifted her from it and set her in his bed. It was soft, warm, and inviting, especially as he pulled the covers over her, enveloping her tightly - almost like a safety net that she had needed for so long.

"Sleep Eva - your nightmares don't exist in this room". One cool hand caressed her cheek gently. 

So she did. 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now