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The roses that Steve had brought her were staring back at her in a vase on the table the next morning. Kate had taken the liberty of putting them in water, and they seemed to look better if she was honest.

Eva had not exactly slept well again, but at the same time she hadn't wanted to trouble Steve and so instead she'd just tossed and turned, knowing that he could probably sense her heart rate anyway. Her body didn't will her to move though, and by the time Kate had come back in, she was still in bed.

"Are you sick?" The servant asked a little worriedly.

"Just tired. I think my body is just telling me I need to rest". She replied, "think it would be ok if I just stayed in bed today?"

Kate nodded. "I know I would, and Steve would probably tell you to do the same. Do you need anything?".

Eva shook her head. "Just sleep, that's all".

"I'll come check on you later, some hot tea might help once you've slept a few more hours".

Leaving Eva, Kate went about collecting the laundry and her chores, taking Steve his usual glass of blood. "Eva is still asleep, she says she's fine and just tired but I think she could be sickening for something". 

Steve nodded. "I'm sure she's ok. She's not been sleeping well since she arrived but that's not a surprise". He took the glass and drank from it, then setting it down before focusing back on his papers. "She'll call for you if she needs you". 

"I know. I'll let you know if anything changes". Taking the now empty glass, Kate left and Steve sat back in his chair in thought. He wasn't worried, but at the same time he was concerned. He wanted to help Evangeline, the nightmares were every night - he heard her, sensed her, and yet she'd not come to his room again. Perhaps after last time she felt unwelcome. 

He didn't want her to feel that. He wanted her to feel safe, to know that she was able to approach him and talk anytime she wanted.

It was baby steps. 

It was the scream that interrupted his work after an hour or two, and within moments he was upstairs and in her room, pulling her close to him as she sobbed and shook. "It's over, you're awake, keep calm". He instructed quietly and held her until she was able to calm down. "What did you dream about?" 

"The same I dream about every night. Being dragged up the aisle, being forced into a life I didn't want...I just want one night where I can sleep peacefully. I don't know when it will end". 

"It will end, I can always speak to Wanda again, see if she could help?" 

She shook her head. "It's something I need to do myself". 

He understood that. Of course he did. There had been the same kind of experience back when he'd been turned. He'd spent a long time trying to accept how and who he was. Overcoming the nightmares of war, the thirst for blood. Steve knew that he wouldn't be beaten by himself. Instead, learning the control he'd needed. He wasn't a saint. Of course he'd done bad things, but most of them were justified. 

"I'll have Kate bring you something to eat and drink". He told her and got up to call for the servant. 

"No, it's ok - I think I'd like to just get some air, maybe I'll go out and spend some time in the garden". She replied, getting up and going behind the dressing screen to change. 

His body tensed, but he managed to control himself as she emerged a short while later in her usual clothes she wore when outside gardening. "Steve?" A frown was present as she saw him. 

"Are you sure that you're ok?" He asked, knowing that she was putting on a brave face. 

"I am. I might pick some apples or something to put into a pie, perhaps some strawberries? I can't believe you have fruits and vegetables that grow all year round". 

"The perks of this life". He smirked. "And perhaps a bit of help from Wanda". 

Of course. It was witchcraft, and of the positive kind. Witches had a bad rep as much as vampires and other beings out there. It had never occurred to Eva before that they actually harnessed their powers for good. She was starting to see the other side of the narrative. 

"Of course". She smiled and grabbed the basket she usually used. "I don't think that I would have guessed anything else". 

Walking out with her, he laughed lightly. "She's certainly useful. Think about what I said though - I know you wanna try to overcome it yourself, but there's nothing wrong in asking for help - it doesn't make you look weak to anyone else". 

"I know, and I will ask if I need it". 

Steve stopped for a moment and looked at her. "Is there anything else? Anything more to all this?" 

She shook her head. "My parents never really were the caring type, only when it meant they'd gain something from it. It's just getting used to a life where someone is showing me kindness, even if he is someone who I should fear". 

"You never have to fear me..." He murmured, "never". 

"I know, and that's why I stayed...because I realised early on that you are not like how your kind have been made out to be". 

Letting her go, Steve watched her retreat to the garden, hoping that it could help to take her mind from it all. He'd mention about the nightmares to Wanda anyway, perhaps an elixir or some sort would help. Right now though, he needed to fight against the constant pull to Evangeline, otherwise he would be the one needing the witch's help.  

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now