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"Would this be ideal to wear into the city?" Eva asked Kate as she pulled on some boots. Kate studied the outfit that was a corset over a tunic with some leggings. She had only seen Evangeline in dresses so the change up was a nice one. She looked as though she fitted in a lot more.

"I think that would be suitable. You're going to need a cloak too, perhaps one with a hood - sometimes the rain can just start whenever it feels like it".

Eva smiled and took the cloak that the servant now offered. "Is it nice? The city?"

"I'm sure you'll like it".

"I've been wanting to see it, I'm just a little surprised that Steve agreed to take me". She replied and fastened the cloak around her neck. The fastening was a silver disc shape with a star in the middle. She wondered whether it meant anything in particular. The crest of his court perhaps? Eva made a mental note to ask him later.

Kate nodded. "It shows that he trusts you enough to show you what is his. I remember when I first went to the city. It was a big thing, overwhelming a little bit. I had Clint and his wife Laura with me, I had to just stop for a while because I was fighting with myself to realise that this was actually who I was now. I wasn't human anymore...it was...kind of a mix between mourning and being thankful".

"Are you parents still alive?"

"Only my mom. My dad died when I was younger so it was always me and her. I can't imagine how she probably felt when I never came home..."

Eva felt for her, she wondered whether her own parents were missing her after what happened. "Were you close?"

"At times. But I'm just thankful I was found and given a second chance. You'll like Clint and Laura. They're great - basically my adoptive parents I guess". Kate shrugged. "But it's not easy, being turned - there's risks and stuff. Again I'm thankful to have had people like Steve and Clint to guide me and stuff".

One hand reached out and steadied Eva against the wall, dizziness coming over her. Kate immediately caught her. "Shit, you ok?"

She nodded. "Yeah, sorry - just...I guess thinking about what happened and stuff? Hearing about you. It's just overwhelming like you said. I'm fine, honestly".

"If anything, you've done well to be here considering you're not like us".

"The only difference is you drink blood and I don't". Eva smirked.

Kate still looked worried. "You sure you wanna go today? I can always tell Steve you feel shit? You've been in the gardens a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if you've got sick or something".

She shook it off. "I'm sure I can handle a cold, but I'm ok - I guess I'm just not over what happened fully - I'm having nightmares and stuff. It's kinda draining".

"Ok, but I'm still telling Steve anyway".

Eva shrugged. "Do it, but really I'm good. If I do t feel great I'll just tell him and we can come back". She made her way out and down the staircase where the vampire lord was waiting, now glancing up as she walked down - eyes trailing her body. She noted his body stiffen slightly, but he then made his way toward her.

"Well, you look the part".

She beamed at this. "Do you think? I did ask Kate if what I'd put together was ok?"

He nodded. "Despite them sensing that you're human? You'll get stares, but considering you're with me they wouldn't dare touch you - they know the cost".

To feel the wrath of the one who controlled the city and ruled over them? It was obviously not something that people wanted to risk. Steve was feared, his reputation as a leader ruthless. But with that people respected him and kept in line. He'd not had any real problems with his people - more so outsiders than anything.

Taking the warmth of her hand within his cool one, he could sense everything about her. Slight tension, a steady pulse, the pumping of her blood around her body. It was more amplified than before. "Let's go". Was all he said and led her out of the mansion.

The walk to the city wasn't far. Usually he'd fly but decided that it was too early to flex his wings in front of her. That and she might find them repulsive. Humans had different reactions, and he was yet to meet one who would just look at him and see past them - and him in general.

"So, how do you get the blood - you say that the humans make money from it, but do they go to the city?"

"No. You're the first to set foot there. We have people who collect from the people who have 'donated' although it's not exactly that - they get paid for it as you said. I have to keep this place safe".

"And yet you are showing me".

He glanced across at her. "Because I trust you - something that doesn't come easily to me".

That and she's your mate. 

"What does this thing mean, on my cloak? If it means anything that is". She asked, gesturing to the circular crest. 

"That would be the emblem of...well, me I guess. You may see it in the city, especially outside of the court itself. They have a flag flying usually". He explained. Not that he was even going to thing about taking her into the court. Everyone would think that he'd brought them a sacrifice or something - not that he'd ever done that, but there were some of his kind out there that gave them a bad name. Ones that he'd never dream of letting within the walls of his city. 

They came to a fork in the road and turned left, the city soon rising up in front of them where the edge of the forest was. Yet another seemed to be within distance outside the city walls. Grey skies loomed with the occasional dark cloud, mountains also peeking from behind the forest pines. 

But it was a sight to see. 

Eva stopped and gazed at it, beautifully gothic styled buildings of all sizes just risen in sight from within the walls that shielded it. Through the gates she could see just a little. "Wow..."She breathed. 

Steve smiled to himself. "Welcome to Lehigh". 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now