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He'd watched her all night, well for some of it anyway. But she'd not woken once, and her heart rate had been calm, a hell of a lot calmer than other nights when he'd heard it. He'd simply sat in his usual chair, sketched a little, read a book - all the things he'd normally do.

The weather come morning was dismal. The slight rumble of thunder and occasional crack of lightening didn't seem to wake Evangeline though. The latter of rain against the windows was peaceful enough. It would also help her flowers, that he'd been told she'd planted, grow.

He was growing a little irritated though, and it was clear that he needed more blood than usual. Another odd surge that would flare up. Nothing that he couldn't handle. His eyes told him everything, and he sent for another decanter of blood.

Kate brought it in silently and looked across to his bed. "I wondered where she went when I went to wake her this morning". She commented.

"Nightmares, you've heard them". He stated and poured himself another glass, downing it in one.

"Do you need me to prepare another batch? Just in case?" She asked. "Yelena is due to bring some this afternoon as well so there's plenty".

Steve shook his head. "If I need anymore then I'll call - this should be enough to satisfy".

Looking back over to Evangeline, Kate sighed. "I feel sorry for her, the nightmares sound incredibly shit".

"It'll pass. Just like I told her, stages of grief". He replied and leant against the wall to look out of the window. "It's a nice day".

"It is, do you need me to wake her?"

"No". He said almost a little too quickly. "Let her sleep. It's the first night she's managed to rest peacefully - for most of it - since she arrived".

Kate smiled. "I wonder why".

Steve then chuckled at this. "Don't you start, otherwise you can go straight back to work on Barton's farm". Even then it wasn't your typical farm. Just another facade much like this place was.

"Oh no, not the farm!" She joked quietly. "Could be worse, you could've sent me to Tony's".

"We still have time". He smirked and poured another glass. "Evangeline has been asking questions, which is perfectly normal, but I do get the feeling she'll be asking more and more as time goes on. She wants to see the city..."

"I know. Does she know that you pretty much rule over it?"

"Now she does. If she goes then she'll need a chaperone or two. Perhaps you and Yelena if she keeps on about it".

Kate noted the sketch pad on the table as she answered, "suuuuuure, so what did you draw?" She asked as he then took the pad and put it away. "It's a nude one isn't it?"

"Ok, you really need to get back to work". He rolled his eyes, neither confirming or denying it before pointing to the door. "Otherwise you will be going to work at Tony's".

She laughed lightly and headed out, not saying nothing else on the matter.

Steve began to pace, eventually just draining the decanter of blood so that the urge could finally subside.

"Steve?" Evangeline's tired voice came from the bed.

He didn't look at her, his eyes would only scare her. "I'm waiting for the thirst to wear off, you've seen how my eyes turn right?"

"Yes..." On the day he'd threatened her father.

"It scares you".

She sat up a little more. "It doesn't...have you drank anything?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it takes a while to fully hit though, it's taking longer than usual though. I can handle it".

Eva got up and walked to him, turning him to face her. His eye colour had changed to red once again. "Would another drink help to quench it fully?"

"Probably, I'll call for Kate to get some..."

"Take it from me..."

He shook his head slowly. "That would be very unwise..."

"Why? it's not like you're turning me, you're taking my blood, not putting whatever venom you guys have, into me? It's just one time, I know you won't hurt me, and you also know that. You have a hell of a lot of control. I trust you".

"Eva..." He looked at her, the beating of her heart almost deafening him. If she stayed in here a moment longer then he would take what he wanted. He didn't want to hurt her, no matter whether she said that he wouldn't.

She pulled the nightdress off of one shoulder and down, exposing her collarbone and above her right breast.


"Once". She promised. "Please. Let me feel what happens, let me help you". The idea somehow appealed to her.

He was still hesitant, but then walked over to his chair and sat down, beckoning her to follow. Pulling her onto his lap, his lips brushed over above her breast before he found his teeth sinking into her skin, savouring the blood that now filled his mouth.

She tasted divine, so divine...almost....

Oh Shit...

He took his mouth away and picked her up, setting her into the chair opposite and then pacing. "No...no, that's enough. It's all I needed".

It had been enough for sure.

"Your eyes are still the same?" She frowned, pulling the nightdress back up.

"Like I said, it takes a while for the thirst to wear off. It is - thank you". He replied and didn't look at her. "You should get back to your room, Kate was looking for you earlier and I have somewhere I need to be..."

Yes. Anywhere but this room.

"Steve I..."

"GO". Was all he ordered. Not viciously, but the word was firm. "I'll see you later. It's safer for you to be away from me like this anyway".

Eva got up silently and crossed the room, pausing by the door but then simply leaving to return to her room. She'd crossed a line and forced him to as well, now she felt guilty. Perhaps once the thirst had worn off then she would go to him later. She didn't want things to be awkward, but somehow she sensed that from now they would be.

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now