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Back inside of the mansion, the wall lights were now lit, meaning that Evangeline could not get a better look at the entrance hall she'd all but broken into on her arrival. The marbled floor shone, the bannisters of the staircase were practically polished to perfection. A nearby side table had a vase set upon it with flowers that were living. Something she was sure that she hadn't seen when she had arrived. Then again she wasn't focusing on Steve's interior decorating at the time. Large curtained windows ran along the main wall of the hallway at the top of the stairs.

"I thought you couldn't go out in sunlight, or even daylight?" She frowned.

"I can for some time". He answered. "Now, you needed a change of clothes?"

She nodded at this. "Only if you have them?"

"Make yourself comfortable by the fire in there". He pointed through to a large sitting room. "I'll be back with your clothes". Ushering her into the room, he closed the doors behind her, leaving her alone. The room was just as expensive looking as the entrance hall, and Eva perched on the edge of the plush couch set in front of the fireplace.

It didn't take long for Steve to return with a dress hanging over his arm, and though she wanted to question how he'd got it - or whose it was. She simply thanked him and changed while he waited for her outside of the doors. "Where can I put this?" She asked, gathering up the wedding dress in her arms.

"Leave it there, it can be thrown out later". He just waved it off and she draped it over the back of the couch. "Are you hungry?"

"A little".

"Dinner won't be too long, you can keep to this room for the time being, or explore if you want to". He told her.

She looked at him nervously. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What are you going to do?"

He put his hands in his pockets. "I'll be in my study. I have some work I need to get done - once dinner is ready I'll come and get you". Before she could open her mouth to say anything else, he was gone - heading across the hall to another room.

Great. Looks like she'd be sitting around then - or what if she was "dinner"? Her nerves rose slightly but she decided not to let them get the best of her. In these walls were better than being outside of them.


"You're staring..." Eva had felt the intensity of it rising from him from the moment she'd taken a seat at the dining table. She hadn't expected any human food to be served, however it turned out that blood was simply a beverage to keep Steve's strength up - not a lifestyle. Now he was seated at the head of the table, eyes on her and only her, his own food untouched for now.

"An acceptable response when there is a beautiful woman sat at my table". He shrugged and toyed with the dinner knife, spinning it around with the tip pressed to the tabletop.

"No, you are looking at me like I am a snack".

He smirked. "Well, you could be if you wanted?" Then saw her face. "It was a joke, you already know I'm not about to suck you dry...however if that were to be reciprocated by you..."

Eva took the wine glass, checking to make sure it wasn't blood and that he was trying to turn her that, before drinking it. "I'm not that kind of woman. You find them in the brothels in town".

"Been there, tried it - not my thing. My offer still stands though if you find yourself at a loose end..." He shrugged and cut into his steak.

"How long have you lived here for?"

"Too many years to count. Can't even remember how old I am to be honest". He said, finishing one mouthful.

She smirked. "And still you've never thought about hiring a gardener".

The inside of the home was lavish compared to the outside that looked run down and abandoned. Steve now shook his head. "No need. Only those like me can see the real exterior..."

"Are we talking about you or your mansion?"

He chuckled. "The second of course. I have a witch friend who was able to charm the outside to make it look the way you see it. Other vampires however? They see the real thing".

"Is it a way to catch a midnight snack? Or people like me who just think they have an abandoned place to sleep?"

"If anything it's been a good deterrent for humans. Although sometimes if the craving kicks in then I might see just who deserves to never leave..."

Eva looked up from her plate. "Like me then".

"The circumstances with you are different. You need protection..."

She toyed with the food on her plate. "Have you ever been married? Wife and kids you're hiding somewhere?"

Steve shook his head. "Never. We have mates - but you can never tell when they could appear. In some cases they don't. Could be early in our lives or later".

"What about the ones who don't?"

"I wouldn't really know, usually those in the army are more at risk of dying. So they tend to be the ones who never find them".

Eva blinked. "The army?"

He nodded. "What? You think we drink blood all day and turn into bats at night? Wrong. Well, half right - we have wings..."

"How come I can't see them? And you have fangs too right?"

"Those only come out to play when the blood-lust is high". He smirked and reached for the glass that Eva was sure did not contain wine. "I've had years, centuries of learning to control. You don't have to worry, I can still see you think I'm about to sink my teeth into you". He could if he wanted to, with his strength she'd be quick and easy to overpower.

She slowly began to eat, a little surprised at just how opulent everything looked and tasted compared to how it did at home. Well, it was no longer home. This place was. "It's...good..."

"I should hope so, the servants have spent the afternoon slaving away to make it right for you".

Eva looked around. "How come I haven't seen them?"

"They keep a low profile, although I've selected one to tend to you now that you're going to be staying here. You need anything? Then you tell her and she'll see it's given to you".

They ate in silence, Eva not being able to finish the meal - but Steve wasn't offended. If anything she looked as though she needed it. "I'll show you to your room". He told her, rising from his chair and rounding the table, offering his hand for her to take.

Hesitantly, she took it and stood up.

Steve led them upstairs and showed her to the room that was to be hers. "You have your own bathroom just through there..." He pointed to an adjourning room where there was a large bathtub. The whole room was just extravagant. If this was simply a guest bedroom then what was his like? "I'll send the servant up later with some towels, you should get yourself settled, sleep perhaps - you've had a long day".

"I don't think I could sleep after what's happened. What if they do come back after all and look for me?"

He snorted at this. "They'd be stupid to. But, if you find sleep hard to come by, my room is down the other end of the hall. I'll be up for a while yet", now glancing at the clock that sat on the mantle above the fireplace. "Just know that you're safe here - no matter what. Goodnight Evangeline".

She watched him leave and close the doors behind him, wondering whether she should listen out for the turn of a lock or something. Her trust still wavered somewhat, but she knew that the only person who she had left to defend her was him.

And that was what scared her more than ever. 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now