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Steve Rogers had not felt a shred of humanity for...well, he couldn't even remember how many years he'd been this way. He'd chosen to not acknowledge them as they'd simply flown by, with him never aging in the process.

However, now he had a human as a permanent house guest, he had felt the aura radiating from her from the moment he'd heard her footsteps running through the forest bracken and towards his home.

He'd heard and sensed her before she'd even set foot on his property...

It hadn't surprised him that the group of men, who probably boasted about their hunting escapades to their friends at dinner parties, had cowered and left without their prize. From the moment his eyes had changed and teeth bared at them, they'd immediately realised just what shit that they were in.

They had left her. a defenseless young woman in his hands. And they knew exactly just what her fate could have been. It had broken her considering one of the men in question had been her father, and it had pissed him off to see that no one would jump to her defense.

No man had the balls to.

If he hadn't have learnt as much control as he had, then she would most likely have been dead - especially in the hands of one of the lesser experienced of his race.

But that heartbeat of hers...that was what had caught his attention. It was loud, almost deafening to him, and yet he felt comforted by it. It drew him in, so much so that he'd found himself listening to it during dinner rather than focusing on the conversation they'd had.

He could hear it now, even though he was down the hallway, beating steadily and at a better pace than the one she'd arrived in.

Why he had admitted to her that he liked it? He didn't know, but in some ways it would probably allow for more trust to be built - because even though she had accepted her new living situation, it didn't mean to say that she liked the idea.

"Knock, knock!" Bucky simply walked into his room. It wasn't uncommon for him to turn up unannounced, as well as Sam. They were frequent guests amongst others to his home and lived in town themselves. "Nice clear night, pal".

"Mhmm..." Steve replied, taking the glass of blood he'd poured earlier and brought it to his lips. "Help yourself". Then pointing to the glass decanter on the side that held more of it.

"Well you know I'll never say no". Bucky grinned and poured himself a glass. "So, you gonna tell me why the house smells of human?".

"Probably because I've got one sleeping in the room down the hall". Steve simply put it, causing his friend to then choke on the blood and blink in surprise.

"I thought you said we weren't allowed to keep them as pets?"

There was a roll of the eyes from Steve as he sighed. "She's not a pet...she's pretty much going to be living here from now on, so don't think she's up for grabs".

Bucky frowned. "Wait...what kind of human would even be willing to live here...and with you?"

"The kind who was running from her wedding, hunted down by her father and betrothed only for them to then shit themselves and leave her here to die once they saw me". Yes, he'd summed that up pretty well actually.

There was silence for a moment before his friend spoke. "Wow..."

"I know right?" He smirked.

"And she just said 'ok sure I'll live with a blood sucker for the rest of my life'?"

"I did give her the option to leave where she could go home and risk being killed if they thought I'd turned her, or to head into the next town over that's filled with fuck knows what these days. Let's just say I was the more appealing option".

Bucky chuckled. "I s'pose when you put it like that...Nat's gonna lecture you about this, you know that right?"

"Let her, doesn't mean I'm gonna listen - besides, Evangeline needs friends. Nat and Yelena would be good for her. I've already got Kate attending her so that's a start".

"Best to introduce her slowly" Bucky replied, knowing exactly what Nat and Yelena could be like - the latter especially. "Sam's gonna love this when I head back and tell him".

Steve sat back in his chair. "Just don't broadcast it, keep it to our circle for now".

"Hey! I know when to keep my mouth shut". Bucky pointed out and then threw up his hands. "I won't tell Nat, I'll leave that to you".

"Fine, anyway did you stop by for something? Or to just hoard some free blood because your supply is running low?"

"Guilty...got more being delivered tomorrow but needed a fix. Wouldn't want your bestie going rogue would you?" He pouted.

There was a small but tired chuckle from Steve. "Take a couple of bags, I have plenty - you heard from Tony about how the new kid is doing?"

"The kid's...learning. Good mentor in Stark though so he'll be in control in no time".

"Good, last thing we need is a new one losing control". He kept his gaze on the fire that was slowly flickering away in the hearth.

Bucky watched him for a moment. "You alright?".

"Yeah, just wondering whether to pay a little visit to the pathetic excuse for a betrothed that Evangeline was due to marry".

"Unless he makes for a thirst quenching drink? I wouldn't bother, or are you making sure that there won't be a case of him paying her a visit here again".

"The second...something tells me I shouldn't put it past him".

A shrug came from his friend. "Your instincts are usually right, and if it means protecting her as well as our kind in the process, just know I'm not doing much tonight". He threw him a knowing look.

Steve silently finished his drink and rose from his chair. "Well then, let's go and take a leisurely fly".

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now