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Her body ached as she moved and woke bleary eyed. It was as though all the energy had been drained from her, and now as she gingerly sat herself up, Eva saw the extent of just what had body had endured the night before. 

But it had been worth it. 

Glancing to the clock on the mantle above the fireplace, it showed that the time was quarter to two. In the afternoon...the curtains were open and the weather outside was overcast again. The perfect kind of weather so Steve had mentioned before. 

Looking down at her body, the bite marks were evident, bruising around them as well as to her inner thighs. Indents of teeth marks left from where he'd drank from her, but not greedily. The thirst had been there though, and she had enjoyed it - the sensation. It had sparked something from within her. An inner desire that she only craved more of. 

She craved him, and the feel of him inside of her again. 

Eva hissed slightly as the dull ache seared between her legs, getting up and finding her clothes so that she could dress. It appeared that Kate had been in and laid out an outfit for her while she'd slept, and Steve? Well, he'd probably not even gone to sleep. She'd drifted off in his arms during the early hours and he'd most likely retreated to his study or perhaps even to the city. 

The clothes didn't cover all of the marks, however she found that she didn't care. The servants could stare all they wanted to. 

"He's in the study Miss Evangeline". One of them said as she went to open her mouth to ask the exact question of where Steve was. 

"Oh...thanks". She smiled gratefully and went to the door, knocking before she walked in. 

Steve was set in a chair, reading, but put the book down as she came in and closed the door behind her. "I didn't think you'd be joining me today". He said with slight amusement. 

She shook her head. "If I'd have slept any longer then I might not have. You should've woke me, or at least asked Kate to".

"You do realise that last night was the first time you'd slept right through with no nightmares?" He pointed out with her now realising that he was right. 

"I did..." She said more to herself and looked at him. "Then again, you did drain the energy from me, so it's no surprise". 

He shrugged it off. "What can I say? Perhaps I can cure nightmares now. Sleeping with me is the key to keeping them away". 

Eva smirked. "Maybe it is? Maybe I should just take up a place in your bed permanently". 

"Well you'd have no complaints from me". His look to her was feral, just as he'd been last night. "You seem to keep my thirst at bay". Eyes went to her bruises and marks. "I'll make sure there's less of those next time..." 

Next time. He wanted a next time. That was comforting to know. 

"I'm fine". 

"You're not walking normally". He told her. "It's clear I've hurt you". 

She rolled her eyes at this. "Steve, really? It was the first time I've done anything like that, and while I do feel a little uncomfortable, I just...something about being bitten? Drank from? It makes me feel like I want more. I want you to do it again - just like I want you to have me again in the ways that you did last night". 

His eyes met with hers. "You slept better alongside me, in return I wasn't as thirsty as usual. You want me to have you again almost as much as I do. So I think we should make our nightly escapades a permanent thing don't you? I mean, it'll benefit us both". 

Eva nodded. "Yes. I think it would veeeeery much". 

Steve got up and walked to her, getting to his knees and then bunching the skirts of her dress up, examining the inside of her thighs. There was a deep bite where he'd drank from her on one, bruising to both. Damn, he really had gone hard on her. 

She could feel his breath over her skin and then his lips kissing across the tender areas of her skin. Feeling the excited throb between her legs, she wanted to curse him as he pulled away and got to his feet again. "I'll have Kate move your things into my room, however the one you're in is still and will always be yours". 

Something told her that she'd never be spending another night in her room again. 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now