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Eva had decided to sleep in own room that night, just wanting to be alone and to forget about the situation that had unfolded earlier. Kate had told her that Steve had gone out again, and so she had wondered whether he had gone back to Bucky's or elsewhere.

Tensions were higher, but for all the wrong reasons.

"I can't believe she treated you like that". Kate sighed after Eva had told her everything. The servant was sat on the bed with her while Eva herself was hugging her knees to her chest. "Nat's always been wary of newcomers though - did you meet her sister?"

"Yelena? Yeah, she's nice - from the five minutes we actually were in the room together. Bucky and Sam seem ok, but it's hard to tell what they're really thinking. It was a mistake meeting them either way".

Heaven forbid that Steve took her to the court...

"Bucky and Sam are good guys. I'm sure they like you - if they didn't then you'd know it".

"So just Nat then". Eva shrugged and let out a small sigh.

Kate smiled lightly. "She'll come around. They're all protective of Steve".

"Because of this Red Skull guy?"

"How do you know about that?" Kate frowned at this. For a human to know of someone like that? It was unheard of. 

Eva shifted. "Steve told me - you ever seen him? Had any problems?"

Kate got a little more comfortable. "Not personally. His name has been floating around for years. Some think he's dead and others say he's just biding his time. I think the second, same as Steve".


"Because he's like Steve. But a weaker version in some respects".

Eva looked uncomfortable now - one burning question coming back into her mind. "How do you kill a vampire? Steve said he was harder to kill but never explained it fully".

Kate laughed at this. "It's fine, you can ask away - and to be honest? You need to snap our necks. With Steve it wouldn't be as easy considering who he is. I certainly wouldn't know how to kill him".

"So all Steve has to do is snap Red Skull's neck and he's history? Bet he's disappointed it's a boring way, it could've been done ages ago".

"There's probably other ways. It might be easy to kill Red Skull but I've heard he's cunning, so that could be a set back. Shame my arrows wouldn't do any damage".


Kate perked up. "I do archery, got even better when Clint showed me some tips and stuff. I try and practice when I can - ooooh! I could teach you if you like? Then you can use Nat as target practice".

"Kate". Eva smirked with a shake of her head. "I'm not going to shoot Nat. She'd probably kill me before I even had the chance".

"Offer's still there if you wanted a new hobby. You'd like Clint and Laura - they don't judge. Honestly they've heard all about you and would love for you to meet them".

Eva hugged her knees closer. "After the shit show that was this evening? I'm kinda reluctant to meet anyone else in Steve's inner circle". Her gaze went to the windows. "Do you think he went back there?"

"Maybe. Hard to tell with his thinking sometimes. He might've gone for a fly to clear his head or to get drunk in one of the bars".

"Does he do that often?"

"I mean, he prefers keeping to the house, but he's been out a couple of times as Sam and Bucky have had to pretty much drag him. He likes the solitude mostly and actually, he seems a lot...happier? Since you arrived".

Eva didn't look at her. "Nat has a point though, him keeping me here is pretty much putting a target on everyone's backs".

Kate huffed, "yeah but no one knows you're here - your parents probably think you're dead by now and only those who Steve trusts  have this intel". 

"I went to the city. People saw me with him". 

"Yeah, and you could be anyone to him. No human has ever entered that city, and for Steve to take you and people to see it, they'll know not to cross the line because you could be an asset. They trust him and his judgement - if he has a human by his side, he has one there for a reason". 

Eva made a face. "They could think it's for the wrong reasons though..." 

"Let them. Vampire women are probably jealous of you because they can't sink their own teeth into him. Reap the benefits". 

"Believe me, I am". 

Kate looked at her with some hesitation and then her eyes went to a mark that was clear on her friend's skin. "Do you need some treatment for that..."

Quickly, Eva tried to conceal the bruised bite mark, but unsuccessfully. "No. It's fine. It doesn't hurt, is it meant to?"

"Everyone's different. Some humans find the pain unbearable while others feel nothing at all". 

"Perhaps I'm that dead inside that I feel nothing". 

Kate smiled at her weakly. "It's nice to have some form of life around here. I know we have servants and stuff, but human life - it brings some normality to the house". Getting off the bed, she glanced at the clock. "Get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning". 

"Kate?" She saw her stop. "Thanks for being there. You seem to be the only friend I have here". 

"What about Steve?" 

"The relationship I've built with him so far? It's complicated, so much that I'm not really sure what to call it". 

The vampires whore? That was probably how his friends saw her aside from just being labelled as 'the human'. 

Kate just nodded and left her to sleep. 

Hopefully come the morning things would have calmed down, although with friends that Steve had, it was hard to tell whether they were 'for' the dynamic between them, or 'against' it. Evangeline knew exactly what side Natasha Romanoff was on. 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now