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Eva had become so bored that she'd decided to take a bath, drawing one herself because Kate had gone into the city on an errand and Steve wasn't in his study, in fact he wasn't even home at all. Perhaps some of his vampire lordy stuff had called him away.

Sinking into the bubbly hot water, it was a warm welcome to the draft that had swept through her room due to the storm earlier. She wondered whether there was any other way of heating it as even though she'd lit the fire herself, it still hadn't been enough.

She dipped her chin to rest on her chest as she looked down at where Steve had drank from her earlier, two perfectly small circular marks in the middle of the area that had now bruised, looked sore. She didn't feel it though, just like she'd not felt any pain when he'd taken her blood earlier.

Although she'd never admit it, she'd had a slight thrill from it and would've happily allowed him to take some more - but he'd stopped. And the look on his face? It was hard to read. His reaction had been unexpected. Perhaps she tasted disgusting? Not to his usual standards? Kate had said that people tasted differently. Maybe she was not as thirst quenching as he'd thought.

Bringing her fingers to graze over the two puncture wounds, they were sensitive to touch, but not painful. Had she been wrong to push him that far? He'd not wanted it but had reluctantly done so only to then recoil in what she couldn't really describe.

She sank under the water a little more so it now came up to her neck, Kate walking in and looking surprised. "Oh, I didn't realise you were in here?"

"I was cold, so I took a bath". Eva just forced a smile. "You don't have to draw one for me every time".

Kate nodded silently and saw her face. "Are you ok?"

"Not really, I forced Steve to drink from me this morning and his reaction wasn't quite what I'd expected - I haven't seen him since so he's probably not here or he's avoiding me - maybe even both".

Kate slowly sank down onto the chair in the corner and frowned. "How did he seem?"

"That's the thing, I don't even know myself. You know you said blood could taste different from person to person? Well I don't think mine was nice..."

"O...kaaaay - and what else happened?" Kate leant forward to listen more.

Eva pushed herself up to reveal the marks, the servants brow raising. "He basically told me to leave, so I did". She looked at her friend. "I don't understand it, can you? You know about this thing more than I ever could?"

"It's something you'd need to ask Steve about. I mean, I've only had so many years like this, but others have had centuries, more experience- in their eyes I'm still new".

"Is he home?"

"I'm not sure, I've only just come back myself, but I can see if he's in any of his usual spots?"

Eva shifted herself in the water. "Please, I want to apologise, that's all. I don't want things becoming awkward. If he wants me to leave and go home or elsewhere then I will".

Kate got up and made for the door. "He wouldn't want that even if something has happened. I'll go see if he's here and come back to let you know". 


Steve had just returned home when Kate emerged from his study and looked at him. "Well? Are you disgusted with the human or something else? Because she's wondering what the hell happened this morning". 

"She told you did she". Was all he said as he passed her to walk into the room, she followed. 

"Of course she did, she wants to know what she did wrong. I know you drank from her because she told me, but the way you reacted kinda made her confused and upset". 

He braced himself against the desk and said nothing for a moment. "It was just the blood that's all, a reaction. She did nothing wrong. I just felt guilty for taking more than I should've. She's meant to be here to be safe. Not to be a blood donor". 

"Then could you tell her that?" 

"I will, but I've got more important things to do at the moment". He dug his nails into the desktop, trying to fight the urge he was feeling. It was more intense now he was near her. She was upstairs taking a bath, he knew that. He knew where she'd be at all times from now on. 

And that damn heartbeat of hers...

"Do you want me to send her down to you?"

"No. I'll go see her myself later. Like I said, I have more important things to do than to go listen to a moping human". He snapped. 

Kate sighed and left, her footsteps moving back up the stairs while Steve went and sat down, scrubbing his face with his hand. If he could control drinking blood, then he could sure as hell try to keep the mating lust at bay without having to let on to Evangeline about anything. Maybe being around her would numb it more, or at least satisfy without sending him insane - he didn't know unless he tried.

"Fuck it". He muttered and got up, going upstairs and walking straight into her room, noting her in the adjourning one. "Out". Was all he said to Kate, who immediately disappeared. 

Eva watched him from the bath, the marks he'd left on her visible and bruised. 

Marked as his. 

Ok. Time to take control. "I'm sorry about this morning, how I reacted after I'd drank from you". He apologised. "I felt guilty for giving in and drinking from you. It wasn't something I wanted to do - but thanks all the same for helping. It's appreciated". 

"You just...the way you reacted. I couldn't tell how you felt, but I'm sorry that I pushed you into doing something you didn't want to". 

"It's not your fault. You caught me in blood lust, sometimes the thirst can be overwhelming and when it's satisfied, even more so - it's like coming down from a high like no other". 

Now he was partially bullshitting his words, but she was buying it. 

"So...you're not mad at me". 

"No, far from it. I'm more mad at myself - but I want to make it up to you. Get to know you more - you're probably bored". 

She nodded slightly. "I like being in the garden a lot, but I'd still like to go into the city". 

"Then let me take you. At least then I can ensure that you're safe". 

Her face lit up. "You would? You'd really take me?" 

"How about tomorrow?" He suggested. "I think it's about time you met some of my trusted friends". A big step, but he was going to have to do it. The more protection she had, the better. 

Eva smiled and gave another enthusiastic nod. "I'd love to". 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now