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The cobbled streets of Lehigh were lined with streetlamps and gothic looking buildings. Mostly shops, but romantic looking alleyways would run off from the main street with townhouses covered in flowerboxes, vines creeping up their walls and lamps strung across from house to house.
Towards the end of the main street was what could only be described as a cathedral on the other side of the canal that separated one side of the city from the other, bridges connecting them.

People (or in this case - vampires) milled about, sitting outside a small patisserie, buying what they needed to get through day to day life. Eva was surprised at just how normal it looked. Well, aside from the odd diner adding blood to their tea or meal.

"This...it wasn't what I expected?"

"You expected the streets to be splattered with the blood of our victims, a river of red, vampires draining and drinking humans dry?" Steve smirked, then pulling the hood of her cloak over her head. "They'll pick up your scent, it's better you keep this up".

"Will they hurt me?"

He shook his head. "No. They wouldn't even try - not when you're with me". Slipping her arm through his, he kept her close as they walked together - the looks and stares coming from the people who had never seen a human in their vicinity before. They bowed their heads to Steve in respect as they passed. "The market isn't on today, you might like that actually - I'll have to have Kate or someone bring you back for it if you like what you see enough today".

"I'd like that". Eva replied. "What kind of shops are here?"

"We can go wherever you want". He shrugged. "We got all day".

She continued along the main street - stopping occasionally to look in shop windows or to see what had been laid out to entice customers in. "They treat you so normally". She noted as one shopkeeper greeted Steve with a cheerful bow of the head.

"Why shouldn't they?"

"I'm not saying that. It's just that considering you're their leader, I thought it would be more like royalty".

He chuckled. "I don't wanna be treated like that. Ok when the court meets all eyes are on me, I make the decisions and stuff - but the rest of the time? I like to just keep a low profile".

They stopped outside of a florist so as Eva could admire the flowers, Steve then saying something to the shopkeeper who nodded silently and returned inside. She returned a short while later, passing a bouquet of a mix of black, red and white roses to Eva.

The thorns had all been cut off of the stems. "They're beautiful. And thornless?"

"I had them removed in case they drew blood".

"That's sweet, thank you". She said, admiring the bouquet some more.

It had been a risk - not all women liked flowers but it appeared that Eva did. he turned and pointed to the cathedral-like building across the canal. "What's that?"

"The court gather there when I tell them to. Technically it should be my home, but like I said, I prefer to lie low. That and it would possibly leave me open to any kind of threat out there". He narrowed his eyes.

"Threat?" She asked.

Steve snorted at this. "What? You don't think that a guy like me hasn't picked up a few enemies over the centuries? They're out there, and I know they're biding their time because they're those kind of people".

It was all so very sinister sounding, and Eva decided to say no more about it. "Can we walk along the canal?"

"Sure, there's a bakery by it actually, I go there whenever I'm in town".

"It's strange to know you eat normal food aside from drinking blood". She said as they walked along once more, taking a shortcut down one of the cobbled residential side streets. Looking at the houses, she couldn't believe they looked more romantic than uninviting. "These are beautiful".

He nodded. "I have friends who live close by on one of the streets. I'll let you meet them soon, if you're ready".

"Do they accept the situation between us? That you're allowing a human to live with you?"

"There has been some concern, but that's only because they're worried about the consequences, which is natural". He glanced to her and saw her face was filled with worry. "Eva, you don't have anything to worry about. You're safe, even here in this city you're protected".

They came to the bakery that Steve was talking about and headed inside. The smells of breads and pastries filling the air. He spoke to the shopkeeper while Eva stood waiting, and then returned to her with a couple of paper bags as well as a box.
Inside one of the bags were some tartlets and in the other some pastries that were covered in chocolate. The box contained different types of cakes with freshly piped various flavours of cream and decorated intricately with fruits or other toppings.

"Didn't know what you'd like, so I got a bit of everything". He told her.

"They all look delicious, what one's your favourite?" She asked as he pointed out one of the cakes to her.

"I don't visit here enough". He stated. "Do you want to head back?"

She nodded. "Please. I'm feeling a bit tired actually". All the walking and looking around along with lack of sleep had suddenly hit her.

They made their way back through the main street and out of the city gates, Eva feeling grateful when they finally arrived back home. Steve called for Kate to come and draw her a bath, and then instructed her to bring her some tea along with a selection of the food they'd brought.

"Are you going to join me?" Eva asked.

He paused and thought for a moment, knowing that if he were to pick her up from her bath again, then he'd be taking her straight to his room and never letting her out again.

"After your bath. Will that be ok?"

"Ok". She smiled as she ascended the stairs up to her room and then looked down at him. "Thank you for today, your city is like no other. I can tell that you love it".

Steve looked up at her. "I do, it's just one of the things though".

"What are the others?" She asked, looking down at him from where she stood.

"One day I'll tell you".

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now