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A short while after Steve had left Evangeline, there was a knock at the door - a dark haired woman walked in with some fresh towels and put them on the bed silently, before going to head to the door.

"Thank you..." Eva called to her quietly and she turned, a little hesitant but then smiled.

"That's ok, there are nightgowns and clothes in the wardrobe over there. I got them for you earlier. If they're too big or small, let me know". She nodded and went to leave but Eva stopped her again.

"I didn't get your name?"

The servant turned. "It's Kate".

"I'm Eva - thanks for bringing me all this, I hope I didn't make you go out of your way from other jobs you might have had".

Kate shook her head. "It's fine, honestly it's a little refreshing to have guests that aren't the usual...or for consumption?" She saw Eva's face and then realised what she'd said. "Oh no! No, no, no! Not like that! I just...I meant...oh shit". She sighed. "I meant that the humans we do get either give their blood willingly or they're trespassers who pose a risk of exposing us and stuff..."

"I mean...technically I am that". Eva pointed out, "I suppose you and the others would see me as a pet more than anything".

"Oh...no? We're under strict orders to keep you safe. Steve is good to us, and we trust him. We'd never hurt you - please don't be scared of us or my big fat mouth". Kate assured her worriedly. "If anything, you're a guest. Not a pet or anything like that".

Eva smiled, feeling a little more relaxed around the servant's presence. At least Steve had assigned her someone who was friendly. "Well however you see me, just know that I appreciate you bringing me what I need".

"Would you like me to run you a bath? We have bubbles". She grinned, hoping to entice her new mistress.

"Actually? A bath would be nice". Eva decided, knowing that after running through a forest in a massive wedding dress, she'd be dirty. "I guess I do need one".

Kate walked through into the bathroom and began to run the water, Eva following. "I heard you ran away from your wedding?" She said and then groaned, realising that once again she was speaking out of term. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry".

Eva brushed it off. "It's fine, and I was - my father and the man I was going to marry gathered some men to pretty much hunt me. If it wasn't for Steve then they'd have caught me and dragged me back home...instead they were cowards, said to him that he could have me. My own father gave me to a vampire..." She now laughed in disbelief, now having said it out loud. It was madness. "I mean I knew he never really cared, but this? All this?" She gestured around her. "It's like he threw me to the lions".

Adding some metallic looking liquid to the water, the bubbles began to rise up and form. Kate smiling pitifully at Eva. "Just goes to show you how far he would go to protect you. Believe me, you're probably safer here". Her had cut through the water to move the bubbles around so the tub was filled.

"I thought that earlier". She admitted. "How long have you been...like this?"

"Slaving away for Steve or sucking blood?" Kate chuckled. "Just kidding, I was out hunting a few years back and got attacked, not sure what by but it wasn't another vamp. A man called Clint found me and brought me to Steve. Turning me was the only way I'd survive so I told them to just do it. Anyway Clint pretty much all but adopted me into his family and helped me to get used to it all. I couldn't go home to my mom, so Steve said I was welcome to work here".

Turning the water off, Kate gestured for Eva to get in when she was ready and turned her back so as her new mistress could change.

She slipped onto the bath and sighed happily as the warm water began to ease the ache in the muscles that she hadn't noticed until then. "It seems that your master has a way of saving people".

Kate nodded at this. "In a way, it's all he's ever known. Not all of the people like us are as kind as he is, you get ones who give us a bad name. They're the ones who have grown with no control".

"Does he have enemies?"

"There will always be someone. But yes, enemies that are well known to us are out there. They haven't attacked in a while though".

Eva sank further under the water, "that's a good sign then".

Kate left her to bathe, Eva telling her that she didn't need any help with getting ready for bed, and once more she was surrounded by silence. Night had fallen outside and she wondered whether now was a peak time for the vampires to come out to play. Given that Steve had been awake during daylight hours. She was unsure whether it differed from vampire to vampire. He probably did sleep, but she would need to know when so as to avoid waking him up.

She must've drifted off, because she woke to find herself dressed in her nightgown and in bed. Only then did she notice the figure silently reading in the chair by the fireplace.

"Kate had gone home, and seeing as you took the Liberty of falling asleep on the tub, I decided to save you from waking in cold water. Being sick isn't exactly what you want to kick start your stay here". Steve said, not bothering to look up. He'd already heard her stir before her eyes had opened.

"How did you..." she sat up and consciously pulled the sheets to cover her chest

"She asked me to check you didn't fall asleep, said you looked tired. I came to check and lo and behold? You were doing just that".

His voice was so smooth that she felt like she could melt as she listened to him speak.

Snapping the book shut, he rose from the chair. "Anyway, I have work to do - get some more sleep". He made for the door but she stopped him.

"Wait, why didn't you just leave after you'd put me to bed?"

He paused and then turned to look at her. "I like the way your heart beats. It's rhythm. It's relaxing. I wasn't meant to stay for as long as I have but I guess I got lost in it - and my book". He paused. "It won't happen again".

"Wait...does your heart even beat?"

"No. Not in a long time. Perhaps that's why I like the sound of yours - makes me feel a little more human".

In the blink of an eye he was gone, leaving her to think about his words before she finally drifted off again.

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now