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I have been isolated in here for 231 days now, i haven't spoke a single word to any form of life nor have i been able to. My fingers graze across the light indents of the day markings across the cold steel walls, my head rested on the wall and my knees up to my chest.

Somehow i try to piece together the story line of how i got in here, all over again throughout my mind. My mind feels like a hole, something that needs to be filled or is yet to be found out how to fill it.

A long drifted sigh escapes my lips, thoughts of my older brothers racing through my brain. Sometimes i feel as though i may be deluding myself into thinking i will see them again, see anyone again. I pull my lips into a thin line, then frown.

I shake my head, my mind racing back to the night. The night when my whole life changed in a matter of minutes. The night when my own father stared at me with those eyes as he allowed that cell door to be clasped shut. The night he told my brothers a lie right to their faces. The night i lost everything.

I clamp my eyes shut, wishing this was all just a nightmare and i would wake up screaming at any moment. The back of my head falling to the wall with a sigh, empty.

Keys clanging and jiggling sounded from outside the cell door, i slowly pry my eyes open. Not even moving from my original spot as i hear the lock click. Two voices bickered as the door started to open, two very familiar voices.

"i swear to god, Tate, if this is the wrong cell and we walk in here to see another old man, i am going to strangle you." One familiar voice spoke, pointing a finger at the other gaurd whilst wafting his arms around.

"No, i am sure this-" The other began, his figure falling closely behind the first. The door falling fully ajar now, so i could put the faces to the familiar voices. My eyes widening, "Gabi?"

I looked at the both of them as they came into view, scanning them both like they weren't real. My brothers were in front of me, and I couldn't even speak nevermind move, "Miles..Tate?" i finally managed to breath out.

"Holy shit, its actually you." Miles speaks, his head shifting from Tate to me. Both of them stand there a gobsmacked, looking at me like all there breath had just been knocked back into there system all at once.

I finally breathe, i give out a short breath of relief. My eyes scanning both of them before allowing my feet to hit the floor. My legs moving faster than I can think, my arms wrap around them both burying my face into their chests.

They don't even hesitate their arms embracing me, i feel Tate ruffle my hair as i take a breath and finally pull away. A small smile paints across my lips, looking up at them both. I just couldn't grasp it, my older twin brothers were stood right in front of my face, as real as ever.

"how did you even know where to find me?" i ask, my brows furrowing slightly.

"lets just say someone, made it harder than it needed to be." Miles replied, giving a sarcastic smile in Tate's direction. Which earned a dramatic eye roll from Tate.

I let out a sigh, then my eyes fell on their attire noticing they wore gaurd uniforms, "why are you wearing guard uniforms?" i point out, because from my memory they weren't gaurds before.

"long story." Miles sighs, whilst Tate nods in agreement. although something just didn't sit right with me.

My thoughts are cut off, "guys, we got to get going." A man says, this time an unfamiliar voice. My eyes flicker to outside of the cell where another man stood, his frame was tall, he had dark hair which was slicked back. He also wore the same gaurds uniform.

Before I could question it, Tate speaks up, "He's with us, don't worry." he states reassuringly.

Miles walks out of the cell first followed by Tate, i stand there for a moment deep in thought. Before slowly allowing my feet to drag me out of the cell i was trapped in for 231 days.

"just follow our lead, okay?" Miles says softly, looking down at me as he grabs one of my arms and Tate grabs the other.

I keep my mouth shut because my gut is telling me to trust them, so I do. We walk down the hallway for a while, my gaze falls from Miles to Tate, both of them never looking from ahead, keeping a close eye on everything.

Then to my own surprise my eyes land on the man that claimed to be with my brothers, i don't know what it was but i knew i wasn't going to like him already. His frame walked in front of us, he was tall and his figure was built perfectly. But i just couldn't shake off the gut feeling.

"where are we going?" i ask, narrowing my eyes at everything i see. I couldn't pinpoint anything, or even imagine where we may be going. I trusted my brothers nonetheless.

Tate was the first to speak, "we are going to give you the freedom you deserve, chancellor jaha is taking prisoners to the ground." he says simply, his eyes never leaving ahead of him.

I nod, about to ponder about more questions until all three of them came to a halt. I scan my surroundings, the end of the hallway was filled with gaurds whome were piling prisoners into a dropship one by one. Miles and Tate's grip on my arms gets protectively tighter, we were the last in line.

My brothers friend approaches the gaurd which guarded the dropship, "we've got this one, last one now." he says as he pointed his thumb behind him at me, obviously trying to sound professional.

The gaurd abruptly nodded, stepping aside before letting us past. My brothers hands still held a grip on my arms, giving the gaurd a slow expressionless nod before passing.

Once in the dropship and out of enough sight, Miles dropped his hand from my arm first scanning out the door, then Tate dropped his with a soft sigh of relief. Meanwhile my eyes were planted on my brothers friend, he looked over the people amongst the dropship as if looking for someone. Instead I shook my head, deciding to brush it off.

I watched as Miles peeped his head out of the dropship door with a slight nod at Tate, pressing a button for it to lock shut. My eyes scan all three of them still slightly confused.

Miles walked back over towards me and Tate, placing a hand lightly on my shoulder "you need to trust us, gabi." He says, looking down at me sincerity in his eyes, "strap yourself in."

I glanced behind me at the spare seats, sitting down before clasping the belt together all three of them mirroring my actions.

My eyes again fall on my brothers friend, narrowing my eyes. Something about him made me have doubts. My breath hitched as his eyes suddenly met mine, ripping my eyes away from his almost immediately.

The back of my head falls to my seat, letting out a deep sigh. My heart still racing from embarrassment, maybe he thought i had a weird staring problem or something.

My hands grip my belt around my chest as the dropship begins to shake, making my knuckles go white. i clamp my eyes shut.

We were actually going to the ground.


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