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I woke up, my eyes fluttering open to realise i must've fallen asleep, my head was rested against Bellamy's chest. His hand was tangled in my hair but he was still asleep, my eyes glance up slightly watching how he slept. Although he still looked really sick, he somewhat looked peaceful. I slowly lift my head from his chest, careful not to wake him, his hand flops down from my hair and hits the mattress softly.

I admire him whilst he sleeps, then gently lifts the cloth from his forehead. Once i manage to stand up without a sound, i wander over to the clean water and wash the cloth that was used. After i fill a cup full of fresh water, before turning on my heal to walk back to Bellamy.

He stirs in his sleep when i make it back to him, sitting on the floor with my legs crossed. Once his eyes pry open i offer him a small smile, taking his hand in mine to let him know i was still here, "Hey, Baby." He says a smile growing on his face, he squeezes my hand at noticing my touch whilst looking at me with half open sleepy eyes.

I smile back at him, "Hi." I reply back, my voice not as weak or croaky as yesterday, "How are you feeling?" I ask.

I gives me a one shoulder shrug, "Better than yesterday but still awful." He replies, making me frown, "It's not your fault, gabs, there's many people in this camp that i could have gotten this off." He reassures me, noticing my eyes which lack contact with his.

I shake my head slightly meeting his eyes again, "I know, i just—" I begin but pause with a sigh, wafting whatever i was going to say off. In one hand i grip the cup of water that i had got earlier, glancing down at it, i bring it up to his level, "Here, you need to drink something." I say, he gives me a nod, once he sits up slowly i offer to help pour the liquid into his mouth.

He swallows the last of the water, as i lower the cup and set it on the floor between us. He brushes a small lock of hair from my face and pulls it behind my ear with a small smile of admiration, "You know what i can do now though." I began, making my brows crease at what he was going to say.


My words were cut off by his strong hand pulling at the nape of my neck and bringing me to his lips, he kissed me slow but sensually. I could faintly taste the metal of the blood that we shared on each of our mouths, but i couldn't care less. His hands trail into my hair, the hair he braided, the hair he claimed. My hands hold and caress his cheek.

I try to pull away from the kiss but he stops me by keeping a firm grip on the back of my head making me giggle slightly into the kiss. His lips curve against mine, our lips connected.


I walk out of the drop ship behind Clarke and Bellamy, Miles and Tate slowly following behind me. I stop watching how Clarke looked up to the sky, her mouth falling agape. Clouds of smoke erupted from where the bridge was situated, an explosion.

Miles and Tate came to an abrupt stop behind me, their faces light up with confusion as to why i stopped, "Why are you stop—" Miles began, both his and Tate's eyes lock on where i was looking, their eyes soon grow wide, "Oh, shit." They both curse out in unison.

Bellamy's eyes look on the cloud of smoke in the distance, "They did it." He stated, his eyes never leaving the explosion state.

Clarke's eyes never lifted either, "I am become death, destroyer of worlds." She began, this made both mine and Bellamy's brows furrow as she spoke, "It's Oppenheimer, the man who built the first—"

Bellamy nods at her words, "I know who Oppenheimer is." He cut her off.


We waited for what seemed like hours for the others to arrive back to camp, Harper stood on a platform against the wall and pointed off into the distance of the forest, "There! It's them!" She called out, alerting the crowd as the entrance opened to let them in, revealing Monty and Jasper first.

Everyone cheered and Clapped for them as they entered, i lean my back against a barrier whilst stood in between both of my brothers. They both past us, i offer them both a wide smile and a nod of appreciation. Both Miles and Tate pat them both on the back as they past, making them look up with a smile.

Raven and Finn now came to view as they walk into camp, however Finn held an arm under Raven as he helped her walk. Her nose was dry with blood, the only thing that could have hit her was the virus. Her face was drained and her eyes were heavy.

They pass me and my brothers, i offer my arm to help support her as well as Finn, "Here, let me help you." I say softly, Finn gave me a nod and a small appreciative smile in return.

As we head to the drop ship with Raven under our arms, we pass Clarke, her face drops seeing Finn helping Raven. But she follows us in anyway.

Once we were in Finn manages to lift her weak body into a free hammock, her frame already drowsing into a slumber. I glance at Finn and Clarke, "You got her?" I ask, they both nod, "Make sure she gets plenty of water." I say mainly to Finn as i already know Clarke was just as much aware as i was.


Late that night, i woke up with a fright, panting and sweat trailed down my cheeks or tears i weren't quite sure. Bellamy shoots up out of his sleep, seeing me sat up trying to compose myself and catch my breath. He sits up his hands cupping my cheeks to wipe the tears away and to force my eyes to meet his, "Hey, hey, hey. You're okay, I'm here, you're alright." He speaks his tone soft as he looks down at me, my breathing still staggered.

He scans my features, fear and tear filled eyes stares back at him, i grip onto his knees tightly as i try to reclaim my breath back, "Breathe for me, baby. Breathe." He tells me, bringing my chin up with his forefinger and thumb. I do as he says, slowly my breathing as i breathe in and out, my breath is a little shaken but better than before, "That's it, good girl."

My grip loosens on his knees, i give one last large breath in. His large hand cups my cheek, wiping away the tear that i didn't know had just fell, "Another nightmare?" He asked, i had already told him what my nightmares were about but this is the first time it's ever happened with him.

I manage to nod with a shakey sigh, "Yeah." I say, he doesn't push me any further though, he just needed confirmation.

He nods, pulling me to his chest with my waist as he lays back down on the bed. His fingers trace circles down my spine, sending goosebumps down them. His other hand massaged my scalp carefully, his lips leaning down to set a kiss on my forehead.

I let my lips part with a sigh, closing my eyes under his touch. He made me feel safer than anyone ever made me feel, his touch, his warmth, his everything. Before i knew it i was drifting back into a sleep under his arms.


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