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After a while, Tate and Miles decided it was best to leave me alone. Leaving me stuck in my own thoughts, about everything. My mind drifted off to my mother and how much i used to admire her, want to be like her one day. I hated that my father took that away from her, took it away from me.

I let out a shakey sigh, resting my hand under my chin. My eyes glued to the ground, i could feel my tears still damp on my cheeks, my eyes felt exhausted. My hair blew lightly through the breeze, my eyes landing on the night sky above i couldn't believe that in the time i had been here i hadn't fully admired the stars.

In the distance, i could hear faint whimpers and discomfort. My eyes landed on a girl who lay next to a tree not so far from where i sat, my heart ached for her. She seemed like she was having a nightmare, which i often got.

I slowly walked towards her making sure i didn't alarm her, then i sat on the ground beside her. I couldn't help but feel empathy for her as she struggled in her sleep.

I lay my hand gently on her shoulder careful not to startle her, "Hey, wake up." I say softly, her eyes opened as she breathed heavily looking up at me. I saw one single tear roll down her cheek, making me frown.

"its okay, you're okay." I reassured her, my hand still placed on her shoulder as i rubbed it softly with my thumb.

Her body began to sit up slightly as she looked around, then looked back at me, "I'm Gabriella, what's your name?" I ask, trying to bear her mind away from the dream she experienced.

She pulls her knees up to her chest, her eyes falling to ground her face still filled with fear. "C..Charlotte." She replied quietly, i gave a small nod with a friendly smile.

I noticed her facial expressions not changing, i sighed with understanding because i knew exactly what it was like to experience horrible dreams like that, "Its okay to be scared, would you like to talk about it?" My voice soft as i spoke.

She sniffled, "Its..my parents" She says her voice cracking, "They were floated and they..and i see it in my dreams and i just-" She says, her eyes watery. This made my heart break, i knew exactly how she felt.

I look down at her, "I understand, don't worry." I say, placing a hand back on her shoulder, "how did you end up here?"

She sighed, "well, they were taking my parents things to the redistribution centre and i kind of lost it, they said i assaulted a guard." She says, her gaze falling on me as she spoke.

I gave her a small smile, "I don't blame you, Charlotte." I say, she wipes her nose with a sniffle then gives me a small smile, her eyes still watery and her cheeks stained with tears.
"listen, you don't have to worry about that anymore. besides, everything happens for a reason and i think being on the ground is everyones reason to have a second chance."

Her eyes softened, a small smile beginning to tug at the corner of her lips, "do you really believe that?" She asked, her voice vulnerable and quiet.

My own lips tug into the same petite smile as hers, "more than anything." I give a slow nod, pulling her to my chest whilst she lay her head against me.

My thumb gradually traced soft circle across her shoulder, her breathing beginning to get slower and softer. I watch her with a smile across my lips, watching as her eyes begin to flutter shut. My eyes then confirm she was asleep, averting my gaze to the stars.

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