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Me and Bellamy had already started to get up, this morning we both had decided to check out the reckage of the exodus ship. I took Bellamy's shirt off and threw it over to him making him catch it and just stare straight at me, "What?" I ask, letting out a small laugh.

His eyes trailed down my body, the only thing i wore was my underwear. He didn't stop staring until his lips curved at the corners into a majestic smirk, "How can you expect me to keep my hands off you around your brothers, when you look this good." His voice was a tone of a statement rather than a question.

Perhaps he was right, my brothers needed to know at some point, i just knew what their reaction was going to be. I pull my cargos over my hips, "I just know what they're like." I say, he nods but i knew he probably didn't care about the consequences.

I put my black tight shirt over my head, making sure to tuck it into my cargos, it hugged around my waist and figure. Bellamy looked me up and down, his jaw clicking. He takes a step towards me and brings me into him with a firm grip on my hips, "I don't care, Love, all i want is you and that's all that matters to me." He says, his words make my lips curve slightly.

I sigh, a long sigh, placing my hands around his neck with a soft smile with my chin tilting upwards, "Alright." The word slipped from my lips in a slight hushed tone.

"Alright." He mirrored, with a smile appearing at his lips. He leaned down to my level, holding my chin with his forefinger and thumb before connecting our lips as one.

I was so caught up in the moment that i didn't realise that the material to my tent had opened, suddenly Bellamy was pushed from my grasp. My eyes pry open, to watch Miles holding a strong grip on Bellamy's shirt with a furious look on his face. Tate followed in closely behind, his eyes scanning from me to Bellamy, glaring at him.

Tate's eyes lit up with fury, "Why the hell are you in my sisters tent?" He snaps, his words harsh and demanding.

Bellamy opened his mouth to say something but i cut him off and marched over to Miles, "Let him go." My voice sharp, Miles took one look at me with a surprised look, he loosened his grip but didn't let go of him.

Miles glared at Bellamy again, "Tell me you didn't sleep with my sister." Miles ordered, my face went white but Bellamy's features remained hard.

I let my eyes roll, holding Miles' arm to get him to let go but he wouldn't budge, "Don't answer that." I say to Bellamy, i knew exactly where they were going with this conversation and i hated it.

Bellamy didn't answer instead he just stared back at Miles so calm but also so cold, my face said it all. Tate's eyes drifted over to me, noticing it, "He did." Tate said, moving closer and stopped just behind Miles, "Didn't you?" He said to Bellamy.

I manage to grasp Miles' arm and push him away from Bellamy, just enough for me to get between them, "So what if he did?" I say to them, folding my arms over my chest as i step in front of Bellamy.

Miles and Tate both watch as Bellamy's large hand grips my waist, pulling me closer. Their faces harden, "So he's our bestfriend and your our little sister, Gabi." Miles says, wafting his hand up to point at us both.

Bellamy's jaw tightened and his grip on my waist tightened, "She can make decisions for herself." He spoke his voice harsh.

Miles and Tate watched us very carefully, although their faces had come to terms with the situation, "Bellamy's right, i understand that you care about me but i think i know who i want to date." I say, looking between them both before leading Bellamy past them both and out of my tent.

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