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We all sit under the sheet waiting impatiently for the fog to clear over, my shoulder presses against Bellamy's. My breath hitches slightly, making me glance at the side of his head for a moment before scooting away from him slightly.

"ow!" Tate yelps, causing me to jump slightly. I look down noticing i had just accidentally stepped on his foot. I bite my lip to stop myself from letting out a laugh, "It's not funny, Gabriella." He said, looking at me dramatically.

I finally let my laugh escape my lips, trying not to look at his face because i knew it would make me laugh more. Everyone's eyes locked on us now, "Stop being dramatic." I tell him.

"I am not." He says with an offended tone, shooting me a look.

"Are too." I argue, turning to face him now.

"Am not."

"Are too."



"No-" Tate began to argue again, only to earn a slap from Miles who was beside him.

Miles shoots us both a stern look, "Can you guys shut up already." He said.

I look away from them both, a small smile still painted across my lips. My eyes lock on Bellamy's, was he watching me that whole time? His eyes remain on me, never looking away.

I let out a breath, shivers trail down my spine. My eyes tare away from his. Although i could still feel his eyes on me the whole time.

Jasper was first to break the silence, "How long are we supposed to wait?"

"Will this even work?" Monroe asked, beggining to get impatient now.

"We'll find out." Finn said.

Bellamy looked from me then clenched his jaw slightly. My shoulder pressing against his again, i try my best to act unbothered and hide the fact i wanted to look back into his eyes but i didn't.

"No, we won't." Bellamy told Finn, pulling the sheet over his head to check it out, "There's no fog." He stated, now pulling the sheet over us all so we were able to climb out safely.

Miles stood up and held a hand out for me to take, he brought me to my feet in a supportive way. Once on my feet, Tate looked up at Miles and held his hand up to him as well. Miles pushed his hand away with an eye roll then turned his attention to the rest of us.

"Why would they blow the horn in the first place then?" Miles wondered, glancing over everyone now.

I move my body away from Bellamy's slighty, rubbing my arms to squash the fact that being near him now made me feel something that i hadn't felt around him before and i didn't like it at all.

"Maybe it was a false alarm." Finn suggested, getting to his feet as he scanned the forest.

My eyes narrow into the gaps of the trees noting that now one of the grounders still walked within them and came slowly closer to our group, "They're coming back." Bellamy stated the exact thing i was just thinking.

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