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As chancellor jaha spoke on the screen in the dropship, i rolled my eyes. The ship began to shake rapidly, making my hands grip my belt around my chest firmly.

I heard a girl yell, "stay in your seats." three boys unbunckled their seat belts making them float. Suddenly the dropship shook violently again, making them fly across the ship with a large crash.

I shook my head with a huff, "idiots." i said under my breath.

Sparks from the lights shot out, the lights flashing as the ship still shook. Until it all stopped.
Clicks could be heard across the ship, i quickly unbunckled my belt then shooting out of my seat.

I couldn't even take one step forward, feeling a hand grip my arm.

"stay behind us." Miles told me, before letting go of my arm to walk in front of me with Tate. although i noticed my brothers friend had already made his way to the door.

I folded my arms over my chest, with a stubborn sigh. "i don't need babysitting." i replied, in which they could practically hear my eye roll without even looking.

They both let out a low chuckle, shaking their heads. All three of us stop at the door, i stand behind Miles and Tates bodies as they speak to the man they came with for a moment.

People began to slowly crowd behind us, my eyes scanning the crowd. My expression was emotionless, my arms still tightly folded over my chest.

"hey, just back it up guys." my brothers friend spoke, as he fiddled with the door.


My eyes followed the blond girl as she climbed down the ladder and through the crowd towards us, "the air could be toxic." she added.

I sighed, shaking my head. she was here protesting about whether to open the door or not, yet i was here waiting impatiently.

"if the air is toxic we're all dead anyway." my brothers friend replied, going to turn back to the door.


My eyes turned to a brunette girl as she walked towards, the man i now can call bellamy. My eyes flicker between them both. Many people wispering amongst them all, 'she's the girl from under the floor'.

"my god, look how big you are." Bellamy smiled down at her, she sighed then pulled him into a tight hug.

They both shared a conversation between themselves, which I couldn't quite hear.

"where's your wristband?" the blond girl commented, making me look at her in disbelief with a scoff.

The brunette turned towards her, "do you mind? i haven't seen my brother in a year." she said, turning back to her brother.

"no one has a brother!" one yelled from the crowd. I let out a quiet laugh, looking between both of my brothers who stood close behind me staring out at the crowd.

"thats Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor!"

Octavia's face burned with fury as she was about to launch at whoever said that, Bellamy pulling her back firmly to stop her. "Octavia, no."

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