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My eyes fluttered open, i rolled over in the makeshift bed of the dropship, to realise Tate was no longer sleeping at the foot of the bed. I sit myself up, noticing he was sat beside Miles, who was still asleep. I could tell he was terrified of loosing him last night, and it broke my heart because i felt so much empathy for him.

I get to my feet, walking over to his side and taking a seat next to him. I smile softly down at Miles, i was glad he was now okay and gradually getting better.

Tate took a note of me next to him and shifted his gaze to mine, "Will he be okay?" He asked, it was evident he was still extremely worried which was understandable it was our brother at the end of the day, his twin.

I lay my fingers to his wrist, gently checking the steady pulse and his temperature had become normal. I give a slow nod then meet his gaze again, "He will be fine, Tate, i promise." I vowed.

He sighs, his eyes taring away from mine and back to Miles with a soft nod, "Well done, Gabi, i would have never been able to do what you did yesterday." He told me, his words were flooded with sincerity.

My lips tug into a light smile at his words, i had heard words of appreciation off people before like this but i had never believed them, however with what happened yesterday it warmed my heart to hear it.

I hear a crash, my eyes snap in the direction of the sound. It was Octavia who jumped down from the ladder and to our level, she must've been helping that grounder. I knew i had to speak to her, to apologise.

I give Tate one last look, "I'll be right back." I tell him, he gives me a small knowing nod once he sees Octavia.

I slowly wander over to her presence, her eyes recognise my frame and immediately tare away, "O?" I say, although no answer came from her lips, "I'm so sorry." I add.

She stands still for a moment, like she was contemplating on what to do, however she turned to face me. She shook her head, "No. You don't have to be sorry, when i was the one that yelled at you when you hurt him, but he deserved it, he deserved your hatred. Your brother was dying, Gabi, you were hurting and i wasn't there." She rambled, excusing my apology.

My eyes fall to the floor then back at her, "Do you hate me?" I question, the thoughts still ponder through my head, she was my bestfriend, i couldn't loose her.

She shakes her head rapidly and lets a small laugh creep on her lips as if my comment was unbelievable, "You're my bestfriend, Gabi, i could never hate your crazy ass." She smiled, pulling me into a tight and well needed embrace. I laugh lightly into her shoulder, my arms wrapping around her to lock in the hug.

Our hug was shortly interrupted by someone else jumping down the ladder, my eyes tare away from Octavia for a moment then my eyes lock on him. Bellamy stood staring at us both, i swallowed the lump in my throat remembering what happened last night.

Octavia looked at Bellamy, they obviously weren't on good terms right now by the looks of her face, "What do you want?" She asks sharply.

Bellamy shakes his head but his domineer remains calm, "It's not you that i want." He says, his eyes removing from hers then capture mine, "Clarke said there's some supplies not so far from here in a bunker. However she can't come, so you're coming with me." He says his tone thick.

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