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I wince watching Clarke lay a glowing red hot knife to Raven's shot wound as she screamed out in pain, my hand gently rests on her shoulder, smoothing my thumb across it to comfort her, "That should stop the external bleeding." Clarke said, lifting the knife from Raven's abdomen and placing it on the table.

"I don't understand," Finn began, looking between me and Bellamy, "How did Murphy get a gun?"

"Long story." Bellamy answered for me, glancing down at me for a moment as I drifted my eyes away.

"We got lucky." Raven added, her voice pain ridden, "If Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me we would all be dead."

I tare my eyes away from the ground to look at Raven, and an idea springs to my mind, "Wait, there's rocket fuel down there?" Clarke asked.

"We could build a bomb, is there enough?" I add, glancing down at Raven as her eyes meet mine.

She nods slowly, "Enough to build 100 bombs. If we had any gun powder left."

Bellamy looks from Raven to me, holding the book in his hand that displayed drawings of the reapers, "Let's get back to the reapers, maybe they'll help us." Bellamy suggested, "The enemy of my enemy is our friend, right?"

I look at him and softly shake my head, "Bellamy, no. I don't think they would help our situation any better." I say, knowing what Tate had told me before about what they had seen.

Clarke looks at me and nods, "Not this enemy. We saw them, trust me, it's not an option." She adds.

"There's no time for this." Finn says before turning to glance at Clarke, "Can she walk or not?"

"No we have to carry her." Clarke turns to Finn, referring to Raven.

I watch as Raven shakes her head and tries to sit up with a wince, "The hell you will. I'm good to go." She says stubbornly.

"Hey, listen to me," Clarke began, looking at Raven to give her a firm look, "That bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle, there's no internal bleeding, it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there, is that clear?"

Raven nods defeated with a breathy sigh, Finn looks between them both and begins to walk away, "I'll get the stretcher."

"You can't run away fast enough, huh?" Bellamy retorted, narrowing his eyes at Finn as he stopped in his tracks, "Real brave." He added, making Finn turn on his heel and walk back towards us.

"Dying in a fight, you can't win isn't brave, Bellamy, it's stupid." Finn scolded, giving him the same look.

"Spoken like every coward." Bellamy began, as he started to step foward towards Finn.

Before he could move anymore I grab his arm, steadying him to a stop, "Bellamy." I warn, but he shrugs me off and gets face to face with Finn.

"Who's ever ran from a fight." He glares at him as he carries on, i watch his jaw clench and his back muscles tense slightly.

I knew it was time to step in, watching Bellamy's body language towards him. My body moves between them as I face Bellamy, putting a hand on his chest, "Bell, look at me." I say, watching how he continues to glare right at Finn.

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