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Me and Miles managed to help Tate's drunk and barely awake body to his tent, helping him slip into bed. He was already drifting off, practically straight away once his head hit the pillow. I frown, my heart ached for him because i had never seen Tate act that way never mind confess that.

I hear a familiar voice behind me and Miles, "Gabs, we need to talk to you." Bellamy's voice said although he made sure to say it quiet enough, his head poking through the tent.

Miles nods his head at me to go, making me give him a soft reassuring smile as i leave the tent. My look immediately hardens seeing Bellamy stood with Clarke, however i chose to shake it off, "So?" I ask, looking between the both of them.

Bellamy nods at Clarke, ushering her to tell me, "Finn made an agreement to meet with the grounders." She informs me, my eyes narrow at her words.

I shake my head, "Is he crazy?" I speak, looking between them both with disbelief, "And where do i come into this?" I ask.

Clarke sighs and nods her head at my words with an understanding look, "We will need back up, you, Bellamy, Jasper, Raven and Miles." She tells me, hoping i would take on her offer to help.

I look between both of them, hesitating for a moment before letting myself speak, "Okay, I got your back." I tell her, with a firm nod.

She looks at me then gives me a nod in return, "right, meet you all at the bridge." She tells me and Bellamy, walking past me.

Bellamy eyes me, scanning my features, "You don't have to—" Bellamy begins but i cut him off once i shake my head to dismiss him.

"No, I want to." I tell him, laying my hand on his bicep to let him know i was okay.

"Alright." He speaks softly.

"Alright." I say in return.

I walk back into the tent and watch how Miles sat on the end of Tate's bed, making sure he was okay. His eyes meet me when he realises i was stood there, "What happened?" He asks me, standing up from the bed where he was sat and walking closer to me.

I look back at him then down at the gun that was propped up against the table of the tent, handing it to him to which he took, "Nothing yet, i will explain everything on the way." I say to him, leading him out of the tent.


We all stood hidden behind the trees watching Clarke, Finn and Octavia as they waited on the bridge. Bellamy kept me close to his body, holding his gun firmly in his hands ready. Miles stood at the other side of me also holding his gun whilst jasper and Raven stood beside him as well.

Octavia looked as if she was looking for someone, scanning the other end of the bridge urgently. She bounced on her heals as Clarke and Finn watched from behind her, all of a sudden a man appeared from the other end of the bridge. It was the same grounder that kidnapped Octavia, Bellamy and Miles held their guns tighter once they saw him.

We watched as Octavia ran towards the grounder and brung him into a tight embrace, pulling her lips into a content smile. What was going on?

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