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I wandered out to find Octavia through the crowd, stumbling slightly when i felt something run down my cheek. A tear? I wiped it away gently with my finger, my eyes grow wide once i see the dark red blood that dripped from my fingertip. Oh, shit.

My breathing staggered as i let out a sharp cough, holding a hand over my mouth to reveal more blood. Many people sat there, having the same symptoms as me, most from the drop ship where we put Murphy including Clarke.

I spot Clarke heading into the drop ship, i follow trying not to stumble. Once i enter i notice Clarke crouching on the floor where Murphy violently coughed up heaps of blood, "Clarke, what's happening?" I say, my eyes bloodshot as blood ran out of them.

She notices me at the entrance of the drop ship and shakes her head, "I have no idea." She says, seeing her own cheeks covered from the tears of blood.

I walk slowly towards her, crouching down at Murphy's level, "We need to find out what the hell he brought into this camp." I mention, with her replying with a nod.

I hear someone walk into the drop ship, turning my attention to the person, it was Bellamy. His eyes immediately grow wide seeing me, "Gabs?" He states with concern, trying to draw closer to me.

I hold my hand out to stop him with a shake of my head, "Bell, stay back." I say, looking up at him as his eyebrows furrow at my bloody and drained face.

His eyes tare away from mine and lock on Murphy, "did he do something to you?" He questions stepping protectively closer, glancing back at me to which i gave him a weak shaking of my head.

I hold my hand out to stop him again, my nose dripping with hot red liquid, Bellamy's eyes grow wider, "what the hell is this?" He asks, looking from me with concern to Clarke and Murphy.

"Biological warfare." Clarke speaks, "You were waiting for the grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is i. Murphy is the weapon." She finalises.

Bellamy's eyes shoot from her to me as i wipe the dripping blood away from my nose with my fingers, "Is this your revenge?" Bellamy asks Murphy his tone sharp.

Clarke and i help Murphy with his uncleaned wounds to clean and care for them, i dab a wound on his cheek with a sterile cloth to sooth the swollen area. Murphy hisses slightly at our touch, "I didn't know about this." He replies.

Bellamy huffs with frustration and runs his hands along his face, "Stop lying!" He yells, "When are they coming."

Bellamy looks down at me for a moment, scanning my weak features and the blood that now dried against my cheeks. Clarke turned from Bellamy to Murphy he voice softer than his, "Murphy, think, all right? What can you tell us that's useful? Did you hear anything?"

I stop cleaning his wounds, setting my cloth down with a sigh. Murphy shakes his head vigorously, "They are vicious, cruel." He says.

My eyes snap to Bellamy when he starts getting agitated and moving towards us, "You want to see vicious?"

I notice his frustration with Murphy, i hold my hand up to stop him again, "Bell, stop." I tell him my tone softer, "Whatever this thing is it spreads through contact." I mention to him, his eyes drift from Murphy to me, where they soften slightly.

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