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I gently pull Gabriella's beautiful brunette hair into half up half down battle braids, her hair falling perfectly on her back. She gets comfy on my lap, bringing her legs up to her chest with a small sigh whilst she tugs my jacket up to her chin. I admire her with a small smile forming at my lips, she was absolutely beautiful, i didn't deserve her.

I finish the last of her braids, her hair forming nicely and framing her face i notice her cheeks scrunch with the smile that grew on her lips, "where did you learn to do hair like that?" She asks softly, her head turning and her eyes locking on mine once i was finished.

My eyes drift slowly over her features taking her all in before returning back to her eyes, "I used to do my sisters hair when she was younger." I reply with a slow nod, i swallow back the doubts that my sister will ever forgive me again and try not to show my worry.

However, Gabriella's face soon softens as she scans my eyes with a reassuring look painting her orbs, "She will come around, i promise, Bell." She says, her voice soft.

My head begins to nod at her words, my finger loops around her dark hair and situates it behind her ear with a long needed sigh. She gives me a smile, her plump lips pulling into a delicate but perfect smile. I feel her hand brush the top of my bicep and run her thumb along it reassuringly. My lips manage to make a smile, holding her jaw with my hand and bringing her cheek to my lips as i rest a small kiss against it, "Thankyou, my love" I speak.

She gives me a small nod, watching as i stand up off the bed and pull my shirt over my head, leaving just my bare chest. She took this as an opportunity to do so too, she took her clothes off leaving herself in her underwear. My lips curl into a sharp smirk whilst i a observe her moves when she takes my shirt from my hands before i can throw it to the floor then slips it over her head, the bottom of it coming just to the middle of her thighs.

I let out a small amused chuckle seeing her look up at me with a look like she hadn't done anything, she flips her hair lightly out of the back of my shirt, "God, the things you do to me, Gabs." I breathe out, taking her beauty in with one breath.

She smiles, so bright. It makes me smile back, brighter. She rushes to climb into bed, her legs lifting off the ground and her back landing on the mattress, her head laying on the pillows. She erupts in a soft laugh which makes me smile wider, "Come on then, Blake." She teases, patting the mattress beside her with one hand and with the other she throws a pillow at me playfully.

I smirk, shaking my head again then poking my tongue out to quickly lick my lips, "How can i resist you?" I say, the way she looked at me, the way she looked so gorgeous in my shirt, her smile, everything about her drove me crazy.

I climb slowly into bed, lifting the covers over the both of us and letting out a soft sigh. My arm invites her over, her head resting against my chest and she comfortably lifts her leg to bend over mine. I breath out through my nose, closing my eyes for a moment and making the most of it. My fingers gently trace up and down her back, her arm automatically squeezes my chest closer to her body.

Minutes go by and we just lay there in a comfortable and needed silence, i didn't care as long as it was me and her that existed that was all that mattered.

Her soft voice hummed out from my chest, "What was your mother like?" She said, perhaps a little hesitation to ask the question in her voice but nether the less i loved that she was intrigued to find out more about me.

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