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I swallow the lump in my throat, watching how she lay just inches away from me and began to slowly fall asleep. My mind couldn't help but fall curious under the suspicions of her arrest, but i knew she wouldn't tell me.

Her breathing was soft, her dark brown hair fell neatly across her perfect face. Her features so beautiful and mesmerising, i couldn't tare my eyes away from her and i hated that deeply.

My eyes caught on to how goosebumps formed on her arms and every so often her sleeping body would shudder. The only form of warmth i had was my jacket, she would hate me if i did this but i didn't care.

I draped my jacket over her, her features soften and her body relaxing within the warmth of it. My eyes somehow soften, i manage to tare my eyes away from her for a moment to check on Charlotte.

Knowing both were peaceful and okay, i decided to get comfy as well. Turning away from Gabriella as i start to close my eyes shut, drifting into a slumber.



I suddenly snapped out of my sleep, my eyes immediately turn to the cause of the sound. It was Charlotte, she was having a nightmare, "Charlotte,  wake up." I say gently, shaking her shoulder slightly to get her out of her bad dream.

Her eyes quickly shot open, meeting mine. My eyes immediately soften, seeing the distress and fear in her eyes, "i'm sorry." She apologised, i quickly shake my head to dismiss her apology straight away.

My eyes scan her petite and vulnerable figure, "does it happen often?" I ponder.

I notice how she lets out a sigh, holding something back from me. "What are you scared of?" I question, mostly wondering if there was anything i could do to stop her feeling like this. I take into a count how she looks down and away from my eyes, avoiding the question. "you know what, it doesn't matter. the only thing that matters is what you do about it."

She pauses for a moment, "but I'm asleep." she corrects, her forehead creases with confusion.

"fears are fears. slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you in your sleep." I advise, offering her a small reassuring smile.

She shrugs then nods slowly, "yeah but..how?" she hesitates, her eyes falling off the floor then back up to me.

I shake my head then speak again, "you can't afford to be weak down here, weakness is death, fear is death" I continue, giving the best advice i possibly could, "let me see that knife, i gave you." I say, nodding my head towards her slightly.

She obeys and pulls out the knife, just to where i could see it. She holds it softly, letting me receive it from her hand.

"now, when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife and say 'screw you. I'm not afraid'" I suggest, my lips pulling into a soft friendly smile. My hand kindly offers the knife back to her.

She takes it in her hands and takes my advice, repeating the words softly. I smile at that, i hated to agree with Gabriella but i saw why she saw so much potential in such a young girl, "slay your demons, kid. then you'll be able to sleep" I finish, putting a reassuring hand on her leg then lying back down.

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