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It was late, really late but we had to keep working, my legs were sore ; not just from helping build these land mines. I helped Raven lifting the dirt and planting the land mines, in the corner of my eye I could see Miles helping Octavia, his eyes on her the whole time.

On one side I strapped the land mine down whilst Raven strapped the opposite side down, "Got it?" Raven asked, tieing her end down.

I let my head nod, strapping mine down. My body crouched just above the ground as I finish the job. Eyes burn the side of my head, "Better hope these land mines work. All the gunpowder we're wasting, we could be making more grenades." Bellamy spoke, nearing where we worked.

Raven shook her head, rolling her eyes. Her eyes glanced at mine, I shake my head, "You want to come over here and test one?" She replied, comtinuing to ignore him and work. I sniffle back a short laugh at her words, trying to concentrate on helping.

Bellamy glanced over at me, shaking his head as he watched my lips curve whilst i held back my laugh, "Cute." He retorted, turning back to Raven, "I need this entire section mined by morning. Then you finish the south field."

I sigh, getting to my feet and walking after him, "Hey." I say, making his body face mine, "Clarke, Monty, Tate and Finn are still out there, don't you think we should go to find them in the morning?" I suggest, furrowing my brows but he cuts me off shaking his head.

"Nobody leaves this camp, Gabriella, not even you." He states, shaking his head as his dark eyes bore into mine before he turns on his heal to walk away again.

I grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks as i furrow my brows at him, "What is wrong with you? They are our people, my brother is out there." I say, seeing his eyes soften slightly but i knew something had changed his domineer ; maybe it was the constant leadership or maybe it was just the stress of war, either way it was no excuse for abandoning our people.

He parts his lips to say something back to me, the large gunshot sound echoed making me jump slightly. He turns his head towards where the sound was formed, his eyes landing on the guy who was supposed to be on look out. His eyes land on mine before taring away from me and marching over to the man.

He walked up the hill towards the man his dark eyes flashing with annoyance, "Hey! What the hell is the matter with you?" He questioned.

The guy stammered watching Bellamy near him, "I'm sorry, man, I fell asleep I've been on watch all day." He said, his voice shakey.

Bellamy took one step foward, grabbing the guys shirt in his fists and slamming him against the tree, "We've all been on watch all day! That bullet was one less dead grounder." He yells in his face, his eyes glaring into his.

My eyes watch him, I knew full well this whole war with grounders had put pressure on him but he seemed different, even towards me.

Octavia watched beside them, "Bell, you're scaring people." She informed, looking around at all the others that watched.

"They should be scared." He retorted, roughly letting go of the man and turning towards us, "The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up! The grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do. Clarke, Tate, Finn and Monty are gone, probably dead, and if you want to be next, i can't stop you, but no guns are leaving this camp! This camp is the only thing keeping us alive!"

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