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I sit on my bed, staring at litterally nothing. I couldn't help but let the blame come on me about everything, about what i did to that man. But i did it for Miles, for Gabriella.

"Bellamy?" A soft vulnerable voice sounded from outside of my tent, i immediately recognise the voice belonged to Gabriella.

I shoot up, worry corsing through my veins. Was she hurt? Was she okay? What happened? I walk towards the enterence of my tent and peeling away the material, to reveal a flushed Gabriella. Her eyes were bloodshot and despite her trying to hide it she had clearly been crying.

I scan her features, my eyes rapid, "Gabs, what happened?" I say with worry, i couldn't help but love the way her name glided off my tongue.

She lets herself sniffle, "I didn't know where else to go." She shrugs, her voice was croaky and shakey. She played with her fingers whilst her eyes glued to the floor.

I nod slowly, stepping to the side to let her past. She passes me slowly, her eyes still avoiding mine and her hands trail up to her face to wipe away her dry tears.

My eyes wash over her petite form, "Love, look at me." I say, her chin fitting in between my forefinger and thumb perfectly as i bring her watery eyed face to look at me, "Tell me what happened." I told her, it was more of a demand than a question but even so my voice was soft.

Her eyes comfortably locked with mine, allowing my fingers to erase from her chin. Her lashes were wet and her eyes were full of some sort of sadness. I waited patiently, hearing the sigh escape her plump lips.

She hesitated for a moment but shook her head at herself, "I have nightmares, basically every night." She admitted, "But this time it was different every horrible thing came back from that night."

My eyes narrow, i shake my head. Perhaps i was going to regret asking this but i did it anyway, "What night?" I ask my eyes never lifting from her gaze.

She lets another sigh form, her eyes getting watery just at the thought of it. And just as i thought she wasn't going to tell me, "The night when my dad shot my mother and blamed it on me. The night when their constant arguing and my dad's abuse towards my mom got too much. The same night when i looked at my brothers and their--their faces. They hated me." She chokes, her eyes brimming with nearly overspilling tears.

I can't help but stand there, feeling physically sick. How could someone do that? To his own daughter? In that moment my heart shattered for Gabriella, more than it had ever done before.

I open my mouth to say something, her tears spilling over her lids. Her face was contorted with pain and sadness, in that moment i knew i would do anything in my power to erase that pain, to protect her.

I didn't even carry on, instead i grab her arms lightly and pull her frame towards me. Laying her hands around my torso, and her head lay against my chest. My heart was beating so fast but i ignored it and held her, so tight. One hand runs circles down her back, the other massages her brunette hair.

She sobs, i feel the tears soak my shirt but i couldn't give a shit. She was here hurting and crying over someone that was supposed to protect her, be a father to her. Yet here she was, sobbing and breaking in my arms.

I held her weak body weight up with my arms, "I'm here, Gabs." I rub her back, my hands playing with her hair, "Let it out, good girl."

Her fists clench around my shirt, her sobs and cries breaking my heart further. All i could do was be there and that's all she wanted.

After some moments, her tear soaked face lifted from me. Her arms loosened and dropped to her side, her sleeves slightly up.

"Thankyou." She breathes but it was more of a mouth of the words, she sniffed and ran her hands along her face with a drained sigh.

I was about to say something, my eyes lock on something. I swallow, from her forearms being on show from her sleeves up. I could make out the white scars running up her arm, from her wrists to the pit of her elbow.

My eyes turn wide, i grab her arms and pull them towards my vision. I can't tare my eyes away from the scars and i still had no idea why i was acting in this way, "Who did this to you?" I demand.

She swallows the lump that appeared in her throat, her eyes looking at what i was looking at and also widened. She ripped her arms away and quickly covered the scars up but it was too late i had already seen them, her eyes glueing to the floor.

She tries to walk past me and out of the tent, "I should go." She says, her frame not even making it to the ennterence of the tent before i grab her by the waist and pull her back to face me.

"Don't ignore the question." I tell her my eyes boring into her, "Who the hell did that to you?" I ask with my fingers pointing to the scars that were now covered up by her sleeves.

She rips out of my grip, her eyes lock on mine again. She refused, her head shook rapidly. Her eyes still watery from before but began filling up even more, "Bellamy, please." She begged me, trying to avoid the question.

I shook my head at her, "No, tell me who did this to you, now." I command, my eyes stare into hers. I wanted to know desperately who hurt her and why, even though i had no idea why i continued to act this way.

She shook her head again, refusing. Her breathing started to quicken, her nostrils flared slighty. She let out a long sigh, "I did! Okay?!" She shouted, her own tears rolled down her red rosey cheeks.

My face drained, my blood ran cold. Why would she do that to herself? I swallowed the lump that rose in my throat, my adams apple bobbed.

"Why--why would you do that, gabs?" I say, my heart shattered for her.

She let a sob fall from her lips, "After everything happened, I--i blamed myself for killing her. I had nothing--no one left, everyone hated me. S--so i slit my own wrists in that shitty little cell." She begins to confess, her voice cut off by her sobs and the tears that dropped down her cheeks, "I--i woke up the next morning, when i wanted to die. I was so angry, the gaurds must have found me and bandaged me up." She sniffles under her breath.

My mouth agape, i just wondered how i could be this blind the whole time. She needed someone and no one was there to pick her back up, "Gab--"

She shook her head, "Its fine," She stopped me, but mainly just dissmissing my pity, "I just need to rest."

And that was it, her broken frame exited my tent. Leaving me alone and sickened, not at her but at her past her everything.


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