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Tate carried Miles in his arms, Miles body becoming more weak and limp with every second. We started to enter into camp, "Clarke! Help!" I yell with what's left of my broken voice, i knew full well i wasn't going to be able to help Miles on my own and two medical people down here was a good thing.

She runs through the crowd, her eyes turning wide when she sees Miles in Tate's arms, "Is he still alive?" She asked me.

I give her an impatient nod, "Yes but he is deteriorating fast." I tell her, then turning my attention to Tate who carried Miles, "Set him down somewhere in the dropship."

Tate didn't even hesitate, he carried his twin brother all the way through the bustling bunch of people and into the dropship. I speed after him with everyone, watching how he gently placed him on one of the metal tables.

Rain and thunder started to erupt from the clouds, people crowding into the dropship. Whilst Raven sat trying to get a hold of the ark using a makeshift radio.

I give off a shakey sigh, my eyes wondering over Miles' state. The blood seeping through his shirt and his abdomen stabbed by the grounders knife. I frown, trying to stay strong as i rip his shirt to remove it and swiftly use it to stop the bleeding on his wound.

Clarke meets beside me her eyes scanning over his wound, she swallows the lump in her throat, "I am so sorry, Gabriella but there is nothing i can do until we get hold of my mom." She speaks to me.

I sniff with a firm nod, then i shake my head, "Me neither." I tell her, i turn my eyes over to Raven who tried to get hold of the ark over and over again.

Tate's eyes were bloodshot and his shakey hands held onto Miles' shoulder, "I just wish they would hurry up." He breathed out.

My head snaps towards Raven, she had got a signal and someone had answered. I finally let out a long breath, waiting for instructions.

My fingers gently trace over Miles' pale and blood drained face, my eyes burning with dangerous tears. I look up at Tate, his eyes never taring away from our brother with the water brimming under his eye lids.

The storm began to break up the connection on the radio, making me get frustrated but i stayed calm. That was the only way Miles was going to survive this, is if i stayed calm.

Octavia came through the material of the dropship, holding two large canisters of alcohol. She gives me a frown, her eyes going from mine to Miles. She shakes her head with a deep sigh before walking towards me and Clarke.

She helps me pour the alcohol into a sterile bowl, her eyes locking on mine for a moment, "You okay, gabi?" She asked me, her voice soft.

I meet her eyes, trying to pull my lips into a smile but i couldn't, "Not really." I tell her, her hands put the canisters down and placing them softly on my shoulders.

She looks behind me at Miles with a frown, i could see in her eyes that she may care about him too. She returned my gaze, "He will be fine, okay? i saw how you handle these things and i know you can do it." She reassures me.

I give her a frown then nod my head in a slow motion, her hands grab the alcohol canisters once again and helping me.

"Hey, they're back!" Someone yells through the crowd causing mine and Octavia's head to turn towards the door.

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