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I step outside the drop ship, i needed some air even if it was just for a moment. The air in that drop ship was thick with the smell of blood, like wet, hot metal. It was suffocating, and being in there whilst helping the people suffering just made me feel dizzy. I lean my back against the outside wall of the drop ship, the back of my head resting against it as i let my lips escape a long sigh. My hands wipe down my cheeks, sweat and blood sliding off them with one swipe.

My eyes drift to Clarke as she stumbles out of the drop ship behind me. She doesn't take notice of me at first but soon her eyes meet my gaze, the dry
blood on her cheeks and her blood shot eyes mirroring mine. She gives off a well needed sigh, her movements drawing closer to me, "Needed a break?" She asked, her tone signified her need for one as well.

I push off the wall, my hands folding perfectly across my chest, and with a nod i reply, "Yeah, I'm guessing you did too." I assume, i eye her body language carefully; watching how she swipes a hand over her forehead with a nodded reply.

Two people cut me and Clarke's distance apart, they carry a body. The same brunette haired young girl i tried to care for not so long ago, my lips curve downward. My eyes take a note of how pale she had become, the blood completely drained from her system, "That's the fourth body today." I speak, not that i have been taking observation on who has died but it's not hard considering me and Clarke are the only ones with medical skills.

Clarke's eyes also run along the young girls limp body as the people carrying her walk by, "Octavia agreed to sneak out again for me, to see if Lincoln could help in any way." She informs me, that's where Octavia had gone earlier.

My eyes follow the body being carried off towards the fire then set gently down on the floor, i frown, then my eyes drift on Clarke again, i give her a brief slow nod, "Hopefully there is a cure." I speak, i worry only for my brothers, although i didn't wish for anybody else to die, i didn't want Miles and Tate to end up as bad as anyone else.

Bellamy had a crowd in the distance, crowding around and observing the girl that was carried out. All faces turned into sorrowful looks, "Alright shows over," Bellamy began, turning to face them and issuing them out, "Get back to your posts." He ordered.

Bellamy turned on his heal as he watched the crowd flock out and back to their jobs, he walked slowly towards me and Clarke. He stopped a good distance away as his eyes lingering on mine, dancing over my features before resting on Clarke's, "Got enough food in there, water?" He questioned, his tone soft.

She gives a small nod, "Yeah." She replies, "Some medicine might be nice." She added her tone slightly sarcastic considering there was no way we could provide it, my eyes glance at her then at Bellamy with a soft nod of agreement.

Bellamy's lips curve into a brilliant smile, the corners of his mouth creating lines and curves at his cheeks. It was hard not to smile back but i was too drained to even think about doing it, "I'll see what i can do." He says, matching the same tone.

I look down at my feet for a moment, his eyes switch to me, softening. Then his voice speaks out, "Gabs, are you okay?" He asks with sincerity, i look up upon hearing his voice, eyes locking together.

I think for a moment, was i okay? I had no idea but i had to go with the safer option, "Fine." I manage to speak a suitable answer out, conscious of worrying him further.

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