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My eyes flew open when i heard people yelling outside, i stretched my arms over my head and rubbed my eyes, it was still night. I groaned and swung my legs over the bed to get up.

I heard Octavia yell from outside my tent, "Gabriella! Get out here!" She shouts, poking her head through my tent and wafting her hand to signal for me to follow her.

I didn't even have time to put on a shirt, i litterally only had on some loose shorts and a black laced bra. I just followed her out, her hand dragging me over to look up at the sky, "look." She gestures to another smaller dropship thing flying down a couple of miles away from us.

I watch Bellamy walk out of his own tent, shirtless my eyes automatically trail down his abs. My eyes soon hardened seeing him being followed by two other girls, making me roll my eyes. What a man whore.

His eyes travel down my attire, although his face kept no expression, he just stared. Miles and Tate stand beside me, Tate pushing Bellamy out of the way with a glare because he noticed his stares at me.

One of the girls that was with Bellamy spoke up, "Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." She said, her eyes still up at the sky.

Although i desperately agreed, i couldn't help but let out a light scoff at her words. Perhaps, i wasn't in the mood for people after being woken up. Get yourself together, Gabriella.

I shiver, stroking my hands up and down my arms to create some warmth, "I'm getting changed and finding out what that thing is." I say, going to walk away to my tent but somebody stops me.

Tate grips my arm staring down at me with his expression not changing, "No you're not." Tate tells me.

I rip out of his grip and turn to him my face matching his, "Yes i am." I tell him, folding my arms over my chest.

He lets out a low huff, spinning his head around before looking back at me, "Its dark out, its not safe." He reminds me, his eyes narrowing down at me.

My eyes roll lightly, "Bullshit." I say with stubbornness laced throughout my voice.

However, Miles stands behind Tate and places a palm against his shoulder. He gives me a look, "Gabi, Tate is right." He adds, "Wait till morning."

I huff defeated, i hated it when my brothers were right especially about stupid things that i wanted to do, "Fine." I drag, spinning on my heal to walk back to my tent once again.


I groan when i get shaken awake, opening my eyes slowly to be met with Octavia with a smile on her face. She continues shaking my shoulders with a laugh as i groan, rolling over on my side and clamping my eyes shut.

Octavia whines, "Gabi." She gives me one last shake, causing me to roll over to face her again with a half asleep look masking my face, "You said you wanted to go and see what that thing was, so lets go find it."

I nearly let out a huff but stop when i take in her words. I lean my body weight on my elbow and smile mischievously at her, "Lets do it."

She pulls her lips into a grin, pulling my arm up so that i land on my feet, "We won't be long, our brothers won't even notice we left." She added.

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