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The sun shone on my face, the rays peak through the branches of the trees. My eyes slowly flutter open, breathing the fresh air through my nose and into my lungs, i still hadn't got over that feeling yet. My hands plant firmly on the ground as i pull myself up onto the tree i was laying on, my jacket falling lightly to my waist which was the only thing keeping me warm last night.

My eyes scan the place, Miles and Tate must have already gotten up seeing the empty spaces beside the trees beside me. A tired sigh falls from my lips as i get to my feet, carrying my jacket in my hands.

I wander through the crowds of restless people, many stare as i walk past, mainly because they recognise me from yesterday. I find myself stopping for a moment outside the dropship, watching as Bellamy emerges with a girl by his side. My eyes trail down his bare chest, although my face is still stoic.

I shake my head, rolling my eyes. He was such a womaniser  and i hated it. I stop to sit on one of the logs just outside the open forest, somewhere quiet and away from everyone.

I just sit and admire everything, taking it all in. Deep down i was so lucky to be out of that desolate cell and down on the ground even more beautiful than i could have imagined, and i had my brothers to thank for that.

I wrap my fingers around the knife along my waist, hearing yells across the other side of the forest. I stand up, walking towards it. My eyes lock on Murphy and Wells fighting, Wells pulling a knife to Murphy's throat.

I jump down from the ledge i was stood on, landing my feet beside Tate and Bellamy. Meanwhile, Miles tried to push Wells off Murphy. "What the hell is going on?" I asked sharply, going to march towards them to help Miles

Tate grabbed a hold of my wrist, "Gabi, don't." He warned, letting go of my wrist once he was sure i wouldn't go anywhere.

"Wells!" Clarke yelled, climbing down with Finn. "Let him go."

Wells pushed Murphy into Miles immediately, Miles caught him standing him up straight. Murphy tried to launch for Wells again but Miles caught him and dragged him away, "Murphy, stop." Miles said sharply, pulling him to stand away from Wells.

I looked over to my left seeing Octavia limping down towards Bellamy, "Octavia, are you alright?" He asked, helping her down off the ledge.

"yeah." She replied, simply.

Bellamy let go of Octavia then turned to Clarke and Finn, "where's the food?" He questioned firmly.

I turned to Octavia who struggled to limp over to us, gently pulling her arm around my neck to support her weight and help her. She smiled, "thankyou."

I nodded walking beside Tate and Bellamy again with her, "Don't mention it." I replied with a small smile.

"we didn't make it to mount weather." Finn added, sitting down on one of the logs.

"Then what the hell happened out there?" Bellamy asked, impatiently.

"We were attacked." Clarke clarified, looking between us all.

"Attacked? by what?"

"Not what. Who." Finn corrected, making my eyes widen. "It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the ark, he wasn't the last grounder."

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