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My sleep drifts away and my eyes start to slowly flutter open when i feel the soft pecks of lips along my collar bone and behind my ear. I let out a content sigh, my hand travelling up to the face that buried itself into my hair and tangled in his messy hair, "Morning, Love." His raspy voice hummed against my skin.

My lips curl into a soft smile, his fingers tracing outlines across my hips. I roll over slowly to meet his face, holding his jaw in my hands, "Morning." I smile a reply, his eyes light up once he sees the smile painted across my lips, his own forming a brilliant smile.

A voice sounds from outside of my tent, "Gabi, are you ready?" Tate's familiar voice speaks, my eyes catch Bellamy's which turn wide. Why did he have to turn up now?

I start to get up from the bed and quickly grab our clothes, each of us throwing items across the tent to each other from where we threw them last night, "You need to get out of here." I say to Bellamy in an urgent hushed tone, pulling my trousers over my hips and shooting him a look. My brothers would literally kill him if they knew he was here.

His lips part as if he is about to say something, pulling his shirt over his head. Tate's voice sounds again this time a little louder, "Come on, Gabriella! Miles is waiting!" He says from outside of my tent, my eyes immediately grow wide.

I shoot Bellamy another look and nod my head towards the back of my tent, where he could quite easily slip through. "I'm just getting changed! Hang on!" I shout out towards Tate once again.

I pull the last layer of clothing over my head then slip on my shoes, Bellamy goes to go out of the tent at the back before walking back to me and grabbing my cheeks to give me a quick kiss, "See you in a bit." He whispered so only i could hear, he tore away from me and grabbed his jacket from my bed then slipped out the back of the tent.

I can finally breathe, sighing the air out of my lungs. My head snaps towards the front of my tent, where Tate stood outside, slipping through the material and coming face to face with him, "Took your time." He states, staring down at me with his arms crossed.

I look up at him, tilting my head to the side with a slight smile, "Good morning to you too, Tate." I say back to him, shaking my head.

My eyes lock on Miles who sat on a nearby log behind him, i give him a small smile once his eyes meet mine, "Shouldn't you be resting?" I say to him, raising my eyebrow.

Miles got up slowly from the log, assuring not to fall over, "Shouldn't you mind your own business?" He sasses back, folding his arms across his chest.

I roll my eyes with a smile, "Okay, I'm sorry for caring about you." I fire back sarcastically, he shakes his head.

He lets out a low chuckle, "Chill, I'm joking." He says back, pushing my shoulder playfully.


It was unity day, party break out in the camp, where everyone was supposed to be drinking and having fun. Me on the other hand sat on the sidelines watching and listening to the sound of the banging of makeshift drums, the sparks from the fire that majestically flew up into the night. I never liked drinking, mainly because of what i saw with my dad and mostly because i promised myself that i would never end up like him.

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