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I lay in my bed on my stomach, my legs in the air whilst i read one of my favourite books. A smile painting my lips as my eyes wash over the words. This was a good time to fit some reading in whilst my brothers had gone out.

I jump suddenly, "What the fuck, Maggie!" My dad bellowed, making me freeze.

My mom and dad always argued, mainly my dad yelling at my mom and threatening her. I place my book to the side, straightening myself up in the bed. I prepare to step in if i had to.

I hated my dad, hated everything about him. He treated my mom like shit and didn't give a shit about his own children. The amount of times he had cheated on my mom, i just think she was terrified of ever leaving.

All of a sudden, a bang echoed throughout and i could hear my mum sobbing whilst my dad yelled abuse towards her. That was enough for me to get up, i storm into the living room.

Freezing when i saw my dad hovered over my mom on the couch, she was begging and sobbing. My dad spoke, "Don't ever disrespect me like that, or i will give you something to cry about." He slurred, he had been drinking. His hands looped around the waistband of her pants and trying to rip them down.

This made me physically sick, i stormed over to my dad and push him off my mom the best i could. I glare up at his drunk figure, "Get your hands off her, you sick bastard." I bite.

He grins at me with such a sick and possessed grin, his features malicious. He shakes his head, "She deserves it, the bitch. So do you." He snaps, trying to get close to my mom again.

My mom begins sitting up from the couch and standing beside me, touching my arm. I point a harsh finger in his face, "Don't you ever call her that." I warn.

I wasn't afraid of the monster that i called my father, i hated the guts out of him. The way he treated my mom, us, was disgusting.

My eyes fall to the gun he gripped in his hand, my eyes going wide. I knew he had guns from being one of the gaurds but gripping onto it now was strange, is that what he was threatening my mom with?

He watched my eyes stare at his gun in his hand, his eyes falling to it as well with a criminal smirk, "You're quite welcome to stay whilst i shoot her brains out." He said, lifting his gun to behind me at my mom, pressing the barrel of it to her forehead.

My mom let out a sob, shaking her head rapidly. I don't even dare move, i glare at him with watery eyes. And i do the thing i most feared, i stepped in front of him with the gun now on my chest. I shield my mom, i let out a shakey sigh.

"Shoot me instead, please. Don't do this." I beg, my lip quivering as a tear ran down my pale cheek.

My mom protested, "Ella, don't do this. Stay out of this, please." She said, using the nickname only she called me. She pushed me aside and all i could do was stand there.

My dad pressed the gun harder to her forehead, "Get on your knees." He demanded, my mom not even hesitating and lowering to her knees.

I let the tears roll down my cheeks, "Mom.." I begged again,"Kill me, please. Not her. I beg you." I choke out, sobbing as i watch the nightmare happen in front of my eyes.

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