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I could faintly see the rays of sunlight seeping through the seams of the tent, the warmth of Gabriella's body on my chest. She had her arm sleepily draped over my chest, her leg bent over mine as my fingertips trace against her thigh and spine. Little did she know, i had been awake all night after she woke from her nightmare, awake so that if anything else happened i was there to protect her straight away.

Her eyes started to flutter open, her hand across my chest started to tense. She let out a short breath, lifting her head from my chest to face me, her eyes only just half open. I pull my lips into a smile seeing a few strands of her hair in her face and the way her sleepy eyes lock with mine, "Morning, Love." I say, moving her hair out of her face and cupping her cheeks in my hand.

She pulls her lips into a thin line, "Morning." She replies, my fingers trace up her spine to rest on the space between her shoulder blades, "How long have you been awake?" She asks, her brows furrow.

My eyes look over her beautiful features, i shake my head, "Not long." I lie, her hand holds onto mine that rested on her arm and plays with my fingers softly, "Did you sleep a bit better?" I knew she probably didn't but i wanted to ask anyway.

She looks down at my fingers as she fidgets with them with her hand, "Better after what happened," She tells me, "But these nightmares keep getting worse—they replay the same event every single time, i just can't seem to hide away from it anymore." She says, not taking a breath and i could tell she had been keeping that to herself for a long time.

My eyes soften as i watch her avoid my gaze, "You don't have to hide, Gabs, you can fight—fight for yourself." I say, my words causing her eyes to lock our gaze.

She thinks for a moment, "I try but believe me when I say I'm not going to let neither my dad nor my past stop me fighting for myself—for what is right." She speaks, i let my lips curve watching how her words mean something to her and i knew full well she meant what she said.

I smirk at her, "That's my girl." I praise, bringing her forehead to my lips whilst holding her cheek, she smiles finally. She intertwines our fingers together, bringing my hand up to her lips to place a soft row of kisses along my knuckle.



Me and Octavia were on cooking duty, Octavia hung the meat up whilst i crouched down to sort out the fire. Del entered, "let's get this party smoking." He says with a smile, throwing more wood onto the fire.

I cough, wafting the smoke out of my face that just fired back at me then i stood up to shoot him a look. I turn on my heal to help Octavia hang the meat up, "You don't want the fire too big. So maybe just try to knock it down with some wet leaves." She says back to Del behind her as he still messed about with the fire.

He stood up from his crouching position and raised his brow at her, "You get that from your boyfriend, grounder pounder?" He said.

I watched how Octavia's face dropped then she turned to glare at him, i look back at him with a glare, "Watch your mouth otherwise you will be the one on that fire, not this meat." I snap back, he stepped back and mockingly put his arms up in surrender.

Murphy nodded, watching me then his gaze fell on Octavia, "She's right. Hot fire is not going to preserve the meat as well." He said, giving Del a look.

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