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I walk out of my tent, the sky full of stars and darkness. My eyes scan the desolate camp fire and where some people gathered, talking and laughing. Most obviously already asleep or in there tents. Through the crowd of people sat around the fire i see Gabriella smiling and talking to some of them, Murphy tried to speak to her as well, staring at Gabriella the whole time, my Gabriella.

I look at him up and down, poking the inside of my cheek with my tongue aggressively. I slowly make my way over, trying to mask the jealousy and possessiveness that came over me, but it was clear.

As i approach them, Gabriella didn't seem to notice me as she had her back to me, her dark hair flowing down her back. She may have not noticed me but Murphy did, and immediately tore his eyes away from her, swallowing when he saw me.

I sit down on one of the logs behind Gabriella, grabbing her hips and sitting her on my lap. I send a glare over to Murphy. Gabriella relaxes at my touch once she realises it was me, still carrying the conversation with a smile with the others.

I lean into her ear, my lips lingering on her earlobe, "I will cut his eyes out if he doesn't stop looking at you." I whisper into her ear, my hands grazing her inner thighs.

She looks back at me for a moment, her face confused. But her eyes follow mine, all the way to Murphy who now stood on the opposite side of the camp fire. She nervously adjusts herself on my lap, making me clench my teeth and squeeze her thighs.

She stops for a moment then moves again, i throw my head back, "Love, stop moving." I say into her ear, squeezing her thighs again.

I see her faintly tug on the bottom of her lower lip, curving into a small teasing smirk. She moves her hips again, pretending to get comfy on my lap, making my breath hitch, "Stop trying to provoke me, because i won't hesitate to fuck you so hard that you forget your name." I breathe into her ear.

I watch the hairs stand up on the back of her neck, she breathes in a breath of air. Although her expression remains the same, "Oh, you love it really." She teases, her voice in a hushed tone so only i could hear her.

I grip her hips tight to stop them grinding against me, "I warned you." I say in her ear, before picking  her up and tossing her over my shoulder, holding her body in one of my arms.

Luckily most of them had already began to flock off into their tents including Murphy whilst me and Gabriella were talking. I carry her over to my tent, prying the material open to let us through.

I set her on the bed once we were inside, looking down at her frame. I notice how her eyes drift my pants, my erection building, her lips curl. I look down at her, tilting her head up with my finger, "You're going to finish what you started." I tell her.

I slowly watch how her eyes don't tare away from mine as i unbuckle my belt, letting it drop to the floor. She slowly undoes my trousers, pulling them down. Her eyes look up at mine as she lowers herself to her knees on the floor, I smirk.

Her hands tug at my underwear pulling it down before my length meets her eyes, "Put your pretty lips around me, baby." I tell her.

She tugs at her lower lip with her teeth, holding my cock in her hand then pumping it a few times. Her gaze never leaves mine, her tongue swirls over my tip, my eyes roll watching her. Before her lips latch on and begins to suck, slow at first, her pretty little face looking up at mine.

I let my lips part, a small groan escapes them. My hands pull her hair into a makeshift ponytail, her hair tangled tightly in my fingers. Her hand pumps around me fast and her lips follow, her eyes locking on me. I push her head further into me, feeling her throat against my tip.

I groan, my head falling back. Her eyes look up at me and slowly begin to water, but she doesn't gag. Her lips clenching against my cock, her fingers go faster. I feel her tongue swirl whilst she sucks.

"Fuck, Gabs." I groan.

I feel myself about to cum, i hold her hair in my hand tighter. Her eyes never leaving mine, hers full of water. She sucks and pumps my cock faster, I throw my head back with a groan, my cum falling to the back of her throat.

Her lips detach from me, my cock falls out off her mouth as she allows my cum to roll down her throat. I loosen my grip on her hair and bring her face in my hands, "You did so good, baby." I praise.

She stands up slowly from her knees, her lips curve. My hands still rest on her cheeks, pulling her face up to mine and engulfing her in a rough kiss. Our lips slam together as one, her hands reach up and tangle in my hair.

As our kiss continues, i remove my hands from her cheeks and begin to trace over her curves. Until they land on her hips, drawing her trousers down from her hips and letting them drop to the floor as she stands out of them. Next my hands grip her shirt and tug it over her head, breaking the kiss as i feel her do the same to mine.

Our lips meet again, my hands grip her hips and help her up as she jumps. Her legs wrap around my torso, her arms wrap around my neck as the kiss intensifies. As i walk her over to the bed, I unclasp her bra, slipping it off her shoulders before throwing it to the ground.

I place her softly on the bed, kissing down her neck and collarbone, making sure to suck and claim her. The gasps i hear from her only make my pleasure high, i loop my fingers and tug her panties off her.

She tries to tug at my hair but i stop her, grabbing her wrists and pinning her hands to the mattress. I lock eyes with her, her legs spread for me. One of my hand places on the mattress, her leg bending and draping over it.

She lets herself bite the bottom of her lip, my eyes lock on her body, all over her body, "You are mine, you hear me? Every single inch of your body is mine, no other man can get the pleasure of touching you or even look at you the wrong way otherwise they are dead." I say, my lips catch her lower lip and tug on it making her gasp out a moan.

I let go of her lower lip and kiss her roughly, my hands gripping her wrists, "Now, who do you belong to?" I say, pushing my hips into her and watching her eyes roll back with a moan, "Hmm?"

"Y—you." She breathes out through moans, my hips get increasingly faster, smashing into hers.

Her walls hug my cock as i pump in and out of her rough and fast, whilst all she could do was squirm with moans and lean her head back as i held her wrists in place, "Look at me, Love. Let me so them pretty eyes." I breathe out.

Her eyes lock on mine, biting down on her lip hard. I rest my head against her forehead and pound her faster. She moans, i apply pressure to her clit with my thumb feeling her tense around me.

Her walls clench around me as i quicken my rough pace, the sound of skin slapping sounds out. Her moans intensify, "That's it, cum for me, baby." I say huskily, watching her eyes roll back.

I feel her wetness around me as she cums, her back arching and her moans were loud. Her hips rock against mine, following the fast rhythm, my forehead meets hers and our eyes lock.

I squeeze her wrists, feeling myself coming close. I slam my hips into hers, her moans only fueling my passion. I slip out of her just in time for me to cum against her stomach, groaning as i did.

I loosen my grip on her hips and hold her chin with my fingers, placing a soft and passionate kiss on her lips, "You are incredible, Gabs." I murmur against her lips, smiling as i feel her lips curve and her eyes lock on my gaze.


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