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❞⁀➷♡'ˎ˗"uraraka ochako

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"uraraka ochako."

why green? you sneer to yourself as you shimmy into the skirt properly, you heave out a sigh at the way it looks. of course it fits fine, and it's short enough to still be cute. but it's green, and your tie is red. who's design choice was this? how distasteful. you huff, before heading out. aizawa had already left, and the walk from here to school was barely long enough to be considered a decent jog. you eyed your clothes once more before picking up your gym bag and beginning the walk to school.

come to think of it, you had never experienced anything like this before. you were never, not once enrolled in school through out your childhood. honestly, it made you feel more like a pretender. though, you'd be a liar if you said you weren't a little excited. i mean, school looked like a nice and pleasant environment in manga and a school with super powers had to be double the fun, right? you hoped that was true. actually, hoping that was the case was the only thing keeping you walking. eventually, you passed through the school gates and monotonously walked to class, passing an unreasonable amount of people with odd features. this place really did feel like a world where devils, hybrids, and fiends all walked the streets alongside one another.

you push the abnormally large door open to the classroom to find not a soul in sight. "awkward." you mumble, before adjusting your bag on your shoulder and slipping inside the small gap you had opened before shutting it behind you. there were numbers on each desk, and you could hardly remember the number you had been assigned. it was... 17? or was it 20... you should really listen to nemuri more.

you're still wearing your lucky sweater, and now it's time to figure out if endeavor soiled it's luck properties. forming a small coin from matter, you flick it into the air and smack it down onto the back of your head. "tails... seat 17 it is." with that, you drop your bag beside the desk and collapse lazily into the seat. it takes maybe 20 minutes before students start pouring in. the next to show up is a boy with blue hair. you're sitting at your desk staring at the wall blankly when he slips into the room, and you turn your attention to him when he clears his throat.

"hello! i am iida tenya, from somei academy. you must've shown up very early, how diligent!" he says, standing stiffly as he extends his hand to you awaiting a handshake. you raise your hand and slot it in his, shaking it loosely. "nice to meet you. i'm yūrei y/n. just call me y/n." you reply, smiling lazily. "you're early, too. guess we're both diligent." he seems elated with the compliment, and after a bit of small talk that goes in one ear and out the other he takes a seat in his chair. the next person to enter is todoroki. you give him a wave which he returns before going to sit at his seat in the back of the class.

a few people come in after that, and the one who sticks out most is the blonde boy with spikey hair. "you're in my seat." he says, glaring down at you from the front of your desk. er, his desk.

so endeavor DID curse my lucky sweater.

"whoops." you say casually, before standing up and grabbing your bag. you sling it over your shoulder before tossing your sweater onto the seat. you clean the seat for the guy, wanting to be conscientious. then, you turn to head to seat 20 in the corner of the room. you preferred that seat anyway. he clicks his tongue and sits down with extra sass, kicking his legs up onto the desk. "damn idiot." you snort a bit, amused by the delinquent's attitude. as you sit, you toss your bag down and notice you're beside todoroki. you offer him another wave, which he returns as he did before.

a commotion occurs in front of the class, a green haired boy and a brown haired girl making a ruckus for whatever reason. it seems to be a reunion of some kind, but the girl is just punching the air while saying break repeatedly.

a handshake of sorts?

your own thoughts are interrupted by a familiar scratchy, worn and sleepy voice. "go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." you can't exactly see, but the classmates near the door are staring like he came from outer space. he isn't the most unusual man, so you're unable to guess why. but since your only teacher was a raging alcoholic who frequently attempted to kill you as a form of training, you probably aren't a good judge of what's usual and unusual. "this is the hero course." the three looks of confusion become horror, and you're beginning to get curious. not curious enough to move, as your body has become quite lethargic in response to your recent lack of sleep and you don't care quite enough to stand. "okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet. time is limited, you kids are not rational enough." he says sternly before finally stepping in the doorway and becoming visible.

"i'm your homeroom teacher, aizawa shota. nice to meet you."

there's a few gasps of surprise, and you can't help wondering why. "it's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field." he says, and as you watch him fish gym uniforms from a sleeping bag you begin to understand your classmates confusion. why does he have that and why is it yellow. it looks like a caterpillars skin.

another collective sound of confusion. you get up, grabbing your uniform and leaving the room before anyone else. because of your haste, you're the first to finish changing. actually, you're pretty much finished by the time anyone else gets to the changing room, but that doesn't stop anyone from approaching you. "hey, yūrei right?" you nod, eyeing the girl that asked. she had brown hair and brown eyes, paired with a cute shy smile. "yeah, call me y/n." you reply, looking her up and down for a moment. she was a bit chubby, it was really cute. "what's your name?" she smiles at your response. "uraraka ochako!" you smile and nod. "nice to meet you, uraraka." a pink haired girl walks up. "hey, you're already dressed?" you nod, her skin is pink too, and she seems excitable. "aw, man! wait for me! let's all walk together." you nod and step outside to wait, and when the pink haired girl is done the bubbly brown haired girl follows behind. "let's go!! what's your name, and what's with your eyes?" she asks, and you laugh nervously. "call me y/n, and my eyes are apart of my contra-- quirk." you correct quickly, and she smiles. "cool, mine too! my names mina ashido, call me mina!" you nod. "nice to meet you, mina." you feel a bit like a robot, this is the third time you've said nice to meet you to a classmate within the last two hours.

eventually you're standing outside on the field, watching the students slowly come onto the field and join your little trio. the girls beside you began to interact with others while you attentively watched the door. you haven't felt like yourself, recently. it feels like your personality has been all over the place, and based on the wary look aizawa is currently pointing in your direction you can tell he's noticed it as well. the issue is that you aren't sure if you're becoming more reserved because of the recent incident or because of your psyche beginning to merge and become one with yumi's. with a sigh, you focus on the conversations happening around you. they feel louder than usual, everything feels more stimulating than usual.

"now that you're all here, we're going to be doing a quirk assessment test."

"quirk assessment test?!"

do they always talk in sync?

"mina ashido."


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