spending quality time

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He take the ice-cream and thanks room service.

He heads over to the bed. With a smile.

Me: your evil Chris. 

Channie:  who me my name is channie. He Laughs

Me: your a man with many names. Bang Chan,  Channie, Chan,  Mr Bang,  Chris,  Christopher,  daddy,  I can keep going. I laugh.

Channie:  wow that many huh? He smirks.

He eats the ice-cream with his back to me.

Me: I thought you were going to share.

Channie: oh do you want some?

Me: ummm yeah. Isn't that why you got 2 spoons? Or are you waiting for Casper the friendly ghost to help you eat it? I laugh.

Chris laughs hard. Almost spit out his ice-cream.

Me: come on please.

Channie:  hmmmm. OK you did say please. He smiles

Me: yay. I love you.

Channie:  you only love me because I have ice-cream right now. He Laughs.

Me: noooooo! I love you punkass. I giggle

Chris laughs.

Channie: it's nice your getting comfortable with me. Your being yourself.  I like it.

Me: I'm trying babe.

Channie:  I love that your trying.  He smiles.

He takes some ice-cream and does a air plane motion to me. I open my mouth.

Channie:  good girl.

We both take spoons and do a couples thing where they both have wine and twist around their arms to drink.  But we have spoons so we're feeding each other.  A little ice cream dribble on his chin. So I lick it off then kiss him.

He looks shocked. 

Channie: omg.

Me: oooops sorry.  Should I not have done that?

Channie:  no. No. Baby your fine. I'm still getting used to having a girlfriend.  He Laughs. 

Me: I get it. We are both getting used to each other.  I smile. 

I start yawning.

Channie:  are you tired baby?

Me: yes. You showed me a eventful day.

Channie: it has been a long day hasn't it. I have 1 more day off before we start the concert.  I'll figure something out for tomorrow.  Felix will be gone all day with some of the boy's to see his family. 

Me: why aren't we going?

Channie:  because I do have plans with you and no I won't tell you. 

Me: evil. I smile.

Chris gets up and takes the empty ice-cream bowl sets it by the door so room service can get it. Then comes to bed cuddling up to me.

Me: goodnight, sweet dreams,  I 4 3 baby.

Channie:  goodnight.  1 4 3 baby girl.

It's the next morning. Chris isn't in bed. He's up sitting at the table on his laptop with headphones in. So I don't bother him I head to the coffee machine to get it ready. Then head to the bathroom. I start the shower.  I can already smell the coffee going.  I hear Chris humming.

So I take my clothes off and get in the shower.  I just stand their enjoying the feeling of the hot water.

I think to myself. I'm so very lucky to have this. Even though I have to hide it is fine. I mean who the hell am I going to tell. I'm truly in love with the hottest guy and I  couldn't be happier.

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