private message

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I've been streaming for 3 hours so I wished my viewers a good night and raided another streamer. Shut my streaming programs and game down.

I head out of my game room to the living room and sat on my cough. I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket to see who private messaged me.

I see a message from Mr Bang. I don't know if it's my bias or just someone with the name. But I am nervous. Why am I so nervous. Renee stop it get ahold of yourself girl.

So I click on the message.
Hey gorgeous

Mr Bang: I don't normally get on and watch people stream but Felix was watching you. He likes watch people play game's.

I squeaked and said OMG FELIX WATCHES ME! I  was besides myself and speechless. I lay down on the couch and read more.

Mr Bang: as you now know yes I'm the chan. I seen how gorgeous you were and I love your personality. I told Felix I've need to know her.

I'm squeaking like a school girl. My face is blushing red. My body is shaking with excitement. OK Renee breath your an adult stop acting childish.

Mr Bang: if you don't mind. I would like to ask you out for dinner.  So we can get to know each other.

Here I go squeaking again.  Geez girl you need to settle down. My mind war. Oh shut it mind it's not every day this happens.

Me: hi Mr Bang

I besides myself that Felix watches me. But you omg I'm speechless and blushing. My answer for dinner is yes I'd be happy to.

Mr Bang: great. Do you like Korean food?

Me: yes I love Korean food.

Mr Bang: OK meet me at this location at 6 pm.

Me: OK I'll be there.
Mr Bang: I can't wait. Forgive me if I'm a Little shy at first.

Me: you won't be the only one. ;)

Mr Bang: great to know I won't be the only one. Lol but hey I need to go wash up and get some sleep.  I need my rest for our date tomorrow night.

Me: I need to do the same.

Mr Bang: sleep well gorgeous. Goodnight. :)

Me: hope you sleep well and Goodnight channie. ;)

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