getting ready for hyunjin birthday party

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Channie:  ready to go babe? As he wiggles my keys around in his hand.

Me: yeah let me grab my jacket and purse.

I head to his room and get them. I spray some perfume. Plus brush my hair. I  walk back to the living room. He takes my hand and leave for the elevator.  We wait for it to reach our floor. He grabs me a kisses me again.  We hear a (ding) got on the elevator. I put my hand up his back to run my finger down.

Channie: don't start.

Me: ugh but you started it.

He smiles.

Me: what are we going to do today?

Channie: it's hyunjin birthday. We're going to get party stuff and I've got his cake to pick up. Felix and Lee know is going to take him out for lunch and to do other stuff to get him out of the apartment.  But first I'm taking you to get a couple of comfy outfits and comfy shoes. 

Me: I'm so excited to surprise hyunjin.  And you really don't  need to take me shopping.

Channie looks at me will I'm going to.

Me: ugh ok baby you win. Sticks my tongue out.

He Laughs. We're at the garage level walking to my car. He opens my door. I get in he grabs my seat belt.  Then walks over to the driver's side and gets in.

Me: you know I can buckle myself right.

Channie: yes but I want to make sure your protected.

Me. OK fine you win again.  I laugh.

We arrived at the clothing store. I grab a couple of pairs ripped jeans and couple of nice shirts. Grab 1 hoodie and nice pair of snickers. Grabbed some underwear and bras.

Channie:  you got enough?

Me: yes.

I get my wallet out. Channie swiped his card fast.

Me: oh that's evil.

He's grinning.

Channie: your my girlfriend and if I want to pay I will.

Me: your winning everything today.

He grabs my bags puts them and the back of my S.U.V. and we get in.

Me: Hey can we stop by an art store so I can get hyunjin a birthday gift. 

Channie: sure.

Me: please let me pay.

Channie: fine.

We stop by the art store and I grab a water color pallet and oil paints and some drawing books. I go to pay and ask if they could gift wrap them. The girl does and gives gift bag to me.

Channie: your a sweet girl. He kisses me.

Me: I just like to see people I care about happy.

We stop to get part stuff and the cake it's chocolate cake with a raspberry filling and chocolate butter cream icing.

We head back to the apartment garage.

Chan text Felix is hyunjin out with you guy's?

Felix text back yes plan is going well. 

We head up to the apartment.  With the stuff.

We get to the door and Han opens it. Helping with the bags. Changbin,  I.N,  Han,  and Seungmin get the party stuff ready.

Channie:  go get comfy in some clothes. 

Me: OK.

I head to his room with my bags. I take my jacket and dress off along with my underwear.  Put my black and red underwear and bra on, put my black torn jeans on and my nice red silk shirt with a v neck on. I put my dirty clothes in a bag along with my heels.  I then walk back to the kitchen.

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