Chapter 5

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I decide to forgo a session at the gym as the sun was shining and a light run at the park was calling me instead. It's a short distance from our place, a gorgeous location with amazing gardens, a beautiful lake and a great track all the way around which will be perfect for me to get the blood pumping. I plug in the headphones and get started. The music and my feet pounding the pavement is a good distraction but not for long. My thoughts start drifting to the feisty brunette that I seem to be continually crossing paths with of late. I have to admit, when I first laid eyes on her at the bar, I could barely breath. She was stunningly beautiful without even trying. I just couldn't walk away without saying something and thank fuck for Lizzy for introducing us. Although she left without saying a word, the way she looked at me with those pretty eyes had me hooked and wanting to be able to see her again. Lizzy had simply shrugged when Katie ran out the door which somewhat shook my resolve, but she also casually mentioned that she did that a lot and to not read into it too much.

I wondered about the who, what and why she felt like she needed to run like that. And, it seemed as though fate wanted me to have the chance to find my answers. The run-in at the store went slightly better... well I did give her the opportunity to run and thank fuck she didn't. That cute little smile I managed to coax out of her made my fucking day. But I can sense she's been hurt before so I didn't push for her number, so I kept it short to see her reaction. I think she's interested in me. If that shy look and red blush that reached from her neck to her cheeks was anything to go by. I smile to myself again at the thought of her.

I round the corner and sweep my eyes across the large grassy area coming up to my left and as fate would have it...there she is. Sitting on the grass, a sketch book in hand and the cutest look of concentration on her face. I'd have to say it is the most content and...well...happy that I've seen her and damn if I could have just studied her all day, I would. She was effortlessly beautiful, her long hair cascading around her face, long sleeve top and shorts. Jesus those legs! Stretched out in front of her, bare feet resting on the cool grass and something I hadn't seen before. Poking out of her shorts, extending down her thigh was a tattoo. I couldn't quite see what it was but holy hell, I definitely wanted a closer look. Time for a plan. I don't want to crowd her, in case she runs again, so perhaps just casually give her a reason to stay at the park a bit longer. Fuck, I hope this works.

I jog up to her and she glances up from her book. Up, up, up she scans the length of my legs, chest and finally our eyes lock. Yep, definitely checking me out. I smile down at her surprised face but don't give her a chance to speak. I plonk my water bottle down next to her on the grass.

"Hey gorgeous. I'll be back for that real soon," and without a second glance I jog away for another lap. It shouldn't take longer than ten or so minutes. Not too long that she possibly gets bored and leaves, but enough time for her to get comfortable with the fact that I'm coming back to her. That's the plan anyway.

Did I say ten minutes? Ok, so I picked up the pace and was back in roughly eight. Didn't want to press my luck too much. Now for the plan. Don't be too nosy. But still interested. Don't crowd her. But not too much space. Be cool. But not arrogant. Fuck. Just don't be a dick. Her head shoots up from the sketch book as I plonk down next to her on the grass, stretching my legs out, I grab my water bottle from next to her and take a long drink. It was only a short run, but still I had to catch my breath. I glance over and she's still looking at me, a cute but confused look on her face. The sketch book perks my interest.

"What's that you're drawing?" I ask nodding to the book. Her gaze drifts away to the sketch and she taps her pencil on the side of the book.

"It's work," she replies simply with no further details.

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