Chapter 10

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Holy shit, what was I thinking. That was definitely way out of character for me. I am so stupid, stupid, stupid. I came on way too strong and I've probably blown any chance I had with her.

I walk back to my car, hands in my pockets, but a slight grin too. Telling her I want to fuck her before I'd even properly kissed her, well at least she knows what I want. Is that a good thing? I have no idea. That kiss though. Took my god dam breath away. Literally. I can still feel the buzz all over me. She definitely felt it too. It's like we are drawn to each other with this amazing chemistry. Well, it's not like I can go back on it now. May as well push on. I get in the car, grab my phone and stare blankly at it.
A text.
Be honest.
Don't bullshit her.
She'll see right through it.

Me: I had a great time tonight. Hope I haven't scared you off and I apologise if I came on too strong. Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Adam x

No dots.
No reply.

I tap impatiently on the steering wheel. A song plays on the radio but I have no interest in it. A few more patrons stumble their way out of Clix to head home laughing loudly. I can't tear my eyes away from my phone. Jesus get a grip. Give her some time.

I wait and wait. Shit this is difficult. Perhaps I have really scared her off. I know it doesn't take much for her to find a reason to run. And maybe I just gave her that reason, served on a fucking silver platter. Stupid me. I throw the car into gear, pull out and head for home. Alone. Why does that make me feel incredibly empty tonight? The reason of course is her. The chance. The possibility. The desire I'm experiencing already and we've only shared one kiss. But hell, what a kiss it was. Hot, steamy and sexy. Just like her. My phone lights up and I take in a big breath.

Katie: Not scared off. Appreciate an honest man who knows what he wants. Wanna know what I want?

Oh shit. This girl is going to test me in ways I haven't even imagined. And I can't wait.

Me: What do you want Katie-girl?

I wait.
And wait.
Is she seriously dragging this out?

I get home to the empty house as Sam is out for the night. I throw my keys down and shrug off my jacket, keeping my phone handy. Still waiting. I wander over to the bar cabinet, pour myself a small scotch and carry it outside to the pool. I swirl the glass around and gently bring it to my lips, sipping a small amount, enjoying the warmth and slight burn as it goes down. Not planning on having any more than one tonight. I look around at our yard and house of which I'm immensely proud of. We've come a long way, Sam and me. We are comfortable and happy. But I can't help but think there may be something more for me in store, perhaps something really close, something almost within reach. My phone vibrates with a message and I can't help but smile broadly. Here we fucking go.

Katie: I want to know what being fucked into next week feels like...

Oh my fucking god.
This girl.
Will be.
The fucking.
Death of me.

Was that a green light? Jesus I think that's a green light. I can only stare at my phone reading that one line over and over again. It still doesn't seem to register in my confused brain but it's certainly registering in other areas of my body. Holy shit. This girl. Should I respond? What the hell do I say now?

I quickly down the rest of the scotch in one hit, hissing at the larger sting as it goes down. Ok Adam. Stay honest. It's what she wants. It's what she's counting on. It's what she deserves.

Me: I'm counting on it.

That's the final text of the night.

The next few weeks fly by and I'm busy with work. Sam and I haven't really even touched base much as we pass each other on our way out. She's busy with friends and her other activities. I should be taking more notice, making sure the most important person in my life is taking care of herself, her health, her well-being. But work is totally kicking my arse and I'm busting my gut to keep on top of things. New designs, a few challenging clients and several builds on the go, there's a lot going on.

Katie and I have exchanged messages every few days. Nothing as explicit as the other weekend, but there's a light banter going on with flirty undertones. She's clever and quick witted and keeping me on my toes. I can't wait to see her again and just my luck, Jake and his wife Chloe are holding a house warming party at their place. I'm keen for Katie to come along, she's met the guys before so there will be a few familiar faces. Nothing too intense. There will be food, drinks and even the pool if she's keen. I'm fucking excited to spend some time with her and to get to know her more. Just have to reel in the physical expectation of what could happen and just fucking relax. If it's going to happen just let it happen naturally and at whatever pace she's comfortable with. I text her the details and thank fuck she responds almost straight away. Yep she'll meet me there. It's a date.

A few days later she sends me a photo. It's an outline of a building landscape that some guy asked her to tattoo on his forearm. I guess she see's a lot of unusual requests in her line of work. She hasn't guessed what I do for a living yet but she's getting close. It's become a bit of a game between us. Then she texts me.

Katie: So the building tattoo guy... he's an architect. Some boring shit about wanting to capture the beauty of the bricks... whateva man 🙄

I can't help but stifle a chuckle. This is going to completely sit her on her arse. Time to up this flirty game we're playing and give her something to really think about.

Me: I'm an architect.

Katie: Funny one Adam.

Me: I really am.

Katie: Ummm.

Me: So you think I'm a boring shit too?

Katie: No... well...

Me: My tongue, exploring every fucking inch of you, will be anything but boring.

Katie: Fuck. Ok.

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