Chapter 17

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She wants to stop for fucking pizza.

This will double the amount of time I'm away from her. I love my sister but I could seriously kill her right now. I decide to text Katie to see if she wants something too.

Me: Stopping for pizza. Would you like something? X

No reply. Shit, shit, shit. She's fucking left I just know it. What the hell do I do now? Probably can't do anything tonight because I imagine she's pissed. And I'm little scared of that image I've got to admit. I know how angry she can be. Perhaps I can make it up to her in the morning. Surprise her.
Shit I don't know where she lives. Oh boy I've really fucked this up.

The drive home seems to drag on but why bother rushing now? Sam asks about the party and I briefly tell her about Katie but slightly twist the story because I don't have it in me to blame her for this disappointing end to my night. I tell her that Katie wanted to stay and meet her but she had an early start in the morning so she went home. Sam almost looks as disappointed as me. Not likely.

We finally get home with pizzas to eat and as I push open the door I am greeted with the most breathtaking site.

Curled up on the couch, covered in a throw rug that is usually on my bed, her eyes closed as she is sound asleep, my sexy tattooed girl.

Fuck I nearly cry with happiness.

She waited.
Thank fuck.
My cock seems particularly happy again too.

She stirs a little and her eyes slowly open and she pushes herself up to sitting, swinging her bare feet back down to the floor. And I am greeted with a small but never the less tantalising smile.

"She's still here Adam," Sam always stating the obvious.

She's excited.

Her previous monthly predicament and the reason I had to leave and pick her up in the first place is all but forgotten. She bounds over to the couch and plops herself almost on top of Katie. Never understood personal space.

"Hi, I'm Sam," she radiates happiness. Before Katie can even answer Sam looks back to me.

"She's really pretty Adam. You're really pretty Katie. Want some pizza?"

Katie laughs and nods her head. Sam beams. I can't help but chuckle. My sisters moods are infectious and she is one happy girl right now. Over the next little while I am reduced to a classic third wheel. Sam and Katie hit it off like they'd been friends for years. Nattering and laughing about everything and anything, all I can do is sit back and admire them both. This couldn't have gone better which I'm quietly extremely relieved about. Sam can be a total overbearing hurricane sometimes but Katie seems just as keen to get to know my sister. Fuck it's been a long night though. The chatter is slowing down and Katie is discreetly glancing my way every few seconds and it doesn't go unnoticed.

"Hey, are you sleeping over?" Sam asks Katie.

She's a little sheepish with the answer, obviously not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable. She looks at me and gives me a wink.

"Yeh I guess I am. Is that okay with you?" So thoughtful that she thinks to ask her that.

"Of course Katie. Where's your pyjamas?"

Mmm... I wasn't planning on her wearing anything to bed actually. But I'm curious to hear her answer while I hide a smirk. Katie sees my face and blushes a gorgeous pink from her neck to her checks. She clears her throat and turns back to Sam.

"Oh, I must have forgotten to bring some. Can I borrow some of yours?"

Well that fucking completely backfired on me didn't it. Geez, I can be so stupid sometimes. Katie glances over to me, smiles like a minx and raises that one eyebrow at me. What the fuck you little tease? I hold both hands up in silent defeat but secretly loving this game of cat and mouse we are playing. Only am I the cat or the mouse? I'm not fucking sure. Holy shit, she's got me literally at her mercy. And I couldn't be more turned on if I tried.

Sam grabs her hand and drags her to the bedroom to find some pyjamas for her new found friend. I stretch back on the couch, hands behind my head, legs spread out and wait patiently for her return.

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