Chapter 9

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"Oh shit, we have to go sis."

Lizzy and I have to get going. Jaxon had been interstate for work so we had an airport run to do. Something must be wrong with me because I must admit, I was a bit disappointed that the night was coming to an end. I had actually enjoyed myself for the first time in a long time. It took a bit to force myself to relax and not feel like everything I did or said was stupid. I didn't want to be ridiculed or laughed at. The guys were fun and easy going and we chatted, played pool and had a few eats and drinks. The banter and playfulness between Adam and I hadn't freaked me out. He was kind, funny and genuinely nice. As the night wore on, he always seemed to be close by, either playing pool with me or sitting next to me in the booth. We brushed against each other a few times during the night and I couldn't help but jolt. For fucks sake, what was I, twelve years old? But when he leaned in close and asked how many roses I had as part of my tattoo, his breath lightly brushing my ear, the goosebumps on my arms sent off warning bells from here to Mars.

"That's only for me to know," I said summoning my best 'back the fuck up' angry face.
He smiles.
I shut him down and he fucking smiles at me.

Before we leave, I escape to the bathroom to gather myself, needing a break from the intensity of my overthinking brain. I stare at myself in the mirror. I am a mature, strong, kick arse woman. Adam's clearly interested in me, and I can handle that. I can do whatever I want or whatever I don't want. Does that even make sense? I can totally do this. Maybe not being alone for once would be okay. And if things get too much, I just up and leave. Get out of there first. Beat him to it because that's what guys do, yeh?

Fuck I'm so nervous.

Lizzy, Adam and I leave the bar together and walk out into the clear, warm night. Lizzy bolts off towards the car, glancing back at me with a wink and that stupid-arse grin.

"So I'd um, really like to see you again," Adam says with a touch of nerves.

Shit ok. Just be cool. Breath in.

"Um yeh, ok that'd be nice," I casually reply. Breath out.

We stop walking. He turns to face me.

"Really? Ok that's great!" he smiles. That god damn smile has had me smiling all night. He passes me his phone and I put in my number and hand it back.
He steps closer to me.
I step back.
A wall behind me.
He's so tall.
I look up to meet his eyes.
They are bright and wide.
He takes a big breath in and slowly out.
What is happening?
He steps closer to me, our chests almost touching.

"I'd um, really like to... kiss you now," he whispers with a small grin.

I don't know what to do.
Or say.
I'm under some sort of stupid spell looking at this beautiful man in front of me.

A beat.
A beat.
A beat.
My heart is racing.

He moves even closer to me. His big hand rests gently on my hip. His other hand glides up my lower back to rest at the base of my neck, slowly tilting my head where he wants it. I close my eyes. This stupid spell is making my legs weak. He leans in and cautiously presses his wet lips to my neck.


He pulls back slightly and lets out a breath ticking my ear.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispers. He's just saying that in the hope I'll let him take this further. Typical tactic. That's okay. I'm good with that. He kisses my neck again.

"I'm really trying to be a gentleman here," he groans and pauses for a few seconds, but doesn't move from my neck.
He seems to be contemplating his next move.
He takes a deep breath in and out, the air making all the hairs on my neck stand up.

"But I'd really like to take you home and fuck you into next week."

My eyes fly open.
Well shit.
Breath in.
Breath out.

I lean away from him to be able to look up at his face. His gaze is focused and serious and he is looking straight into my eyes. He flicks a glance to my lips and back up. Suddenly his grip on me tightens and he crashes his lips onto mine.

Holy shit he's an amazing kisser. I can't think, or think or did I say think? I can only feel him. His tongue, his taste, his hands, his hard body pressing into mine. And it's god damn glorious. I've never been kissed like this before. My hands grip hard on any part of his shirt I can find. I'm hanging on so my legs don't give out on me as his tongue curls and caresses my mouth. He's still holding me in place with those giant hands as his fingers gently massage the back of my head, sending waves of warmth all over my body. Without words he's letting himself be open to me with his actions.

And he makes it feel so easy... so I let go and just enjoy this ..wait...


I pull away quickly, breathing heavily. Adam looks at me, cocks his head to the side and smiles. He plants a quick kiss to my forehead and steps right back, removing his hands that were gripping me in place and shoves them in his pockets.

"See you soon then Katie-girl ," he grins.

I'm so flustered about his words and his actions. I can only look at this dangerous spell casting man and wonder what the hell I'm going to do now?

Or me.
I have no idea where my brain has gone.
Straight to my panties that's where.

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