Chapter 15

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With some rushed goodbyes and half-arsed excuses we quickly leave the party and slam the doors shut on Adam's SUV. He glances over at me with that intoxicating smile of his, before his eyes flick down to my lips, then a slower look down my legs, like he's deciding on just which part of me he wants to devour first. The tiny black skirt I had in my bag hardly covers me at all and my legs are on full display. My tattoo snakes up my leg and to be honest, it's fucking really hot seeing how Adam is struggling to concentrate on anything but my skin. The intensity burning between us in such close proximity in this car is sending my pulse skyrocketing. This man is seriously making me into a ridiculous, hot, horny mess and just about any rational thought is completely lost to me. I haven't wanted anyone or anything quite like this and we've hardly even touched. Just a couple of searing, toe curling, mesmerising hot as fuck kisses that left me wondering how I'm going to survive him. I get the feeling that once we touch each other without restraint, I'm going to be giving him much more than just my body.

Am I actually going to be able to make it out of this alive?

And do I want to?

Does he even know how easily he's already breaking down my carefully constructed walls, there to shield the most vulnerable parts of me? The parts I can't think about letting him see. My only real hope is that he doesn't realise what he's doing to me. That he doesn't know that he has the potential to reach into my very soul and wrap those huge fucking paws around my heart and rip and tear and pierce it into shreds.

"So, do you far?" I ask with a ridiculous breathy smile. Desperate much?

"No, not too far," he pauses and I'm sure he's about to say more although it takes some contemplation before he continues. He sneaks another look at my legs, his knuckles tightening on the steering wheel.

"Aah...I live with my sister actually," he explains. And quickly follows up with, "but she's not home tonight."

This information surprises me a bit. I mean people have all sorts of different living arrangements but I'm intrigued.

"Right. So how did.." but he cuts me off.

"She has umm...some special needs so I'm kind of her carer too. You know just to make sure she's looked after," he seems a little unsure about this revelation. Like I'm going to change my mind about this whole situation. I smile and reach over to lay my hand on his arm. Our skin to skin contact feels hot but I feel like a bit of reassurance is needed.

"That's so amazing of you. To care for your sister like that," my smile is genuine and he looks over at me with a wistful look in his eyes that I can't quite explain. He looks down at my legs again. I shift in my seat as I squirm under his increasingly intense gaze. Fuck I hope he feels it too.

"So, I guess your parents help out too?" I ask. I can just picture that his family is close, all coming together to help and support each other. God his parents must be so proud of their son, to take on the responsibility of the health and well-being of their daughter.

"They passed away," he explains quietly. My face drops and I pull my hand away from his arm as if it burned me. I take a quiet but deep breath that I hope he doesn't notice and I look away out to the passing street.

"Mine too," I whisper.

"What?" he says but I know he heard me by the look of surprise and sorrow on his face.

Don't, don't, don't fucking do that Adam. I don't need or want your pity fucking looking eyes. I don't deal with that at all and I can't even tell him not to look at me like he is right now. But I guess I'm probably looking at him with the same eyes. Both our parents are gone from our lives and neither of us can change that now. I mentally get a fucking grip on myself and shift the energy back to that intoxicating anticipation of my body pressing against him as soon as fucking possible by sending him the most sexy grin I can possibly muster.

"How much further?" He looks deeply into my eyes and then again at my naked legs before dragging his eyes back to the road.

"Fuck!" he exclaims with a sly chuckle. I'm not sure what just happened but...

"Missed my house... I'm so fucking distracted by you... it's driving me crazy," he seems to have just read my mind as it's going crazy too.

He reverses back then pulls into a driveway of a gorgeous looking two story home with the most beautiful garden I think I've ever seen. Maybe even rivalling Granny's garden. The house design takes my breath away but really it's no surprise that this place is amazing giving the brilliant man next to me - another of his creations. He parks the car and swiftly moves around to open my door. I anticipate that he's going to grab my hand and lead me inside and even this barest of touches leaves me impatient and wanting. He is as flustered it seems as I am, as he fumbles with his keys to get the front door open. I'm relieved that he's as affected by me as I am by him.

A beat.

He pushes the heavy door open. The final step over the threshold. Am I even ready for this? I haven't been intimate with anyone for a very long time. My insecurities are tapping my shoulder but I need to push forward and just fucking hope to hell that Adam won't take me to places that I just can't go.

Fuck it.
I step inside.

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