Chapter 16

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I am the luckiest fucking bastard on earth. She actually turned up at the party, let me kiss the fuck out of her (for not long enough) and agreed to come home with me. Now I'm just desperately trying to keep it in my pants as I look over at her barely covered legs. I can hardly drive. Or think. I do pull myself together enough to mention Sam and my parents but only because I kind of had to with the awkward question she asked. She said something about her own parents also not being around anymore which really took me by surprise and saddened me but at that point, I realised that I missed my own fucking driveway. Holy shit this girl is driving me crazy.

We finally get inside the house because stupid me couldn't get the key in the door. She was so close to me and I seriously couldn't fucking concentrate on literally anything. The only function it seems I can perform when she's near me is breathing and gawking. Desperate much? This is a fine line I am dancing towards and I'm pretty anxious but then fuck it. Why shouldn't I just be allowed to do what I want to be happy? She seems to be someone that could be that person for me. Jesus we've hardly even got to know each other yet but she's just so... so... captivating. And smart and funny and sexy as hell. Just thinking about me pressing up against her has me hardening up for the four millionth time tonight. And somehow she just seems a bit lighter tonight. Not holding on to so much anger that I've noticed before. It's probably simmering there somewhere but perhaps I've helped in keeping it at bay for a little while. Someone or something pretty awful must have happened in her life for her to feel like that. I wonder if I'm someone that she might trust enough to share that with? The thought of her suffering through a traumatic event just sends a pang of pain to my chest.

I hold back the door so she can walk in. She brushes past me just in case I'd forgotten how intoxicating she is by simply walking. I watch her slowly take in our house as she looks around appreciating what she see's. She spies some framed photos and of course being a curious kitten, she picks up one of Sam and me.

"Is this her?" she asks. I nod proudly and smile at the memory of Sam and me last Christmas. Katie smiles too, running her finger over Sam's face.

"She's gorgeous," she gushes.

I'm a bit taken back by that, but try not to show it. Instead I study her face for any sign of deception or mocking in her comment, but I only see truth in her eyes. I've seen how cruel people can be to my sister. Mostly kids that don't understand when someone is different but unfortunately I've seen it in a few adults as well. I'm fiercely protective of my sister and I'll defend her dignity like my life depends on it. Katie seems...well...a bit in awe of my sister - someone she hasn't even fucking met yet.

Could this woman be more amazing?

God it makes me want her even more. I sense from her slow observation of our house, that she's a bit nervous. Perhaps a drink might help. Shit, I could use one too.

We settle comfortably onto the couch after deciding on a bottle of red wine to share. I don't want to sit too close to her just yet. My resolve is shaky at this point but if I touch any part of her now, I won't be able to stop myself. Fuck, I can't wait to kiss her and taste her... I bet she tastes like...

My phone rings.
It's Sam.

"Sorry I need to take this," I apologise but she nods in understanding and moves further away from me on the couch. I'm worried that the fire we both felt earlier is starting to cool off.

"Hey Sam, what's up?" I hear her distressed response and immediately go into big brother protective mode.

"Just try and calm down, love. Can you put Jane on the phone?" I stand up and walk away to the kitchen. Sam was having a sleepover at Jane's tonight but it seems her plans have been thrown into disarray. It may not seem like much to the average woman but that time of the month can be especially difficult for Sam and can overload her with sensory issues and difficulty in understanding her own emotions. Just her luck that tonight was one of those nights and although Jane is her closest friend, she just wants to come home. I'll have to go and pick her up. I finish the call promising Sam I'll be there as soon as possible. Now to explain to Katie that our night is now over.

"I'm so sorry Katie, but I have to go and pick up Sam. The aah... sleepover didn't really work out and she wants to come home," I can hardly get the words out.


I'm sure she'll up and leave now, so I guess I should offer her a lift home or call her an Uber.

"Well... I can wait here. Umm... ya know, if that's okay," she asks almost shyly.

Fuck me. I mean. Hell yes. Yes.

"Are you sure? I mean.. I really don't want you to leave just yet. Um..I'll be quick. Like half an hour. Tops." Jesus just get in the fucking car and hurry up Adam.

"Umm.. just help yourself to whatever. Make yourself at home," I nearly trip over the rug, fumbling for my keys.

She giggles at me and holy shit it is the cutest fucking sound I've ever heard. Cute and sexy. Jesus. I make it to the front door, never taking my eyes off her, but I can't resist a tiny taste first. I quickly stride back over to her and reach down my hands to her cheeks and press my lips to hers. I kiss her with a lingering promise of what's to come when I get back. I pull away and we're both breathing hard. I smile and head out the door with the hope that she'll really still be here when I get back.

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