Chapter 42

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My heart is still thudding away in my chest but I have a smile on my face. Thank fuck Katie let me in and I could finally, finally explain what I had meant at the hospital. I want her with me. Sam wants her with us. She still looks confused and unsure. I don't blame her. Not one fucking bit. But I think I can convince her that I'm not going anywhere without her.

She finishes the call with Sam, promising that she'll see her soon. Packed and ready of course.

"Come here," I want her close.

She slowly walks to me, not stopping until our chests are almost touching. She's breathing heavily. Awkward. Shy. Unsure. Then she just starts talking and it all comes out in a torrent.

"I'm so sorry... I just heard you talking... and I didn't want to interrupt. And... and.. then I just jumped to conclusions you know. I get so lost in my own fucking head sometimes. And... and... I know I promised I wouldn't run and then I did anyway. And I just spiralled and things got out of hand... and...I...just."

I can't listen to her beat herself up for this misunderstanding one second longer. So I grab the back of her neck and kiss her with everything I have and more. She stills in surprise then quickly moans into my mouth and fuck me, have I missed that sound. I groan into the kiss and grab her legs and wrap them around me. We have so much healing to do, so many things to put right. I know what I want to do right fucking now.

I carrying her through the unit to her bedroom, not breaking the kiss. We break apart for a second and tentatively pull up shirts, kick off shoes and strip off pants.

I lower her stunning naked body down onto the bed. I cup her face gently and look into those gorgeous eyes. Her legs are spread wide and her hips are grinding softly up and around and down making me hot and hard and ready. There's nothing between us now. Nothing holding us back. Nothing stopping us being together. Our bodies. Our minds. Our hearts. Her wet arousal is coating my cock as I slide up and down. I can't wait any longer and I slowly ease myself inside her warm tight pussy. We both still our bodies completely and gasp into each other's mouths as our tongues tangle in sweet fucking bliss. I don't want to wait and I pull my hips back, then slide back deep inside her. Oh my fucking god she feels so damn good. She meets my rhythm with her own thrusts and I pick up the pace, pumping in and out of her, feeling every muscle and twitch and hearing every breath and moan. Fuck. Me. She's driving me fucking crazy and I can't get enough.

I slow my pace and pull my head away so I can watch her underneath me. I pin her down with my eyes and she looks into mine with as much passion and pleasure as I have in mine. My heart swells and I feel a calmness wash over me. I hold her head still so she can't look away.
I don't want her to miss this.
Miss us.

And everything in my world is right. She is my world. And I only hope that I am hers too.

I lean down and brush her lips gently with mine. She closes her eyes I kiss each of her eyelids. She opens her eyes and I see tears fall silently down her cheeks. I kiss them away and continue down her chin and neck reaching that spot that I know drives her wild. I press harder, kissing, sucking, licking and nipping until she's writhing and moaning and jutting her hips up making me slam into her harder. Our movements are so intense and sweat sheens our bodies as we chase our highs together. My body shudders as my orgasm builds from deep inside me and she's right there with me as we explode into a state of pure ecstasy. Our bodies writhe and shake as we eventually come down from something that was so much more than just sex. We connected as one. A bond more meaningful than any words can describe.

I look at my beautiful girl.
I'm overwhelmed with love for this woman. I'm so grateful she's here with me now. I'll love her with everything I possibly have.

There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs. Was it the way we met in the bar? Or was it the twist of fate of our parents untimely deaths in that accident that would ultimately mean that one day our paths would cross? The circumstances don't seem to matter much now.

I look at her with hopefully enough honesty that she'll accept my feelings and my apology and my hope that everything will be okay. That she is... okay.

I should just speak my truth. Say the words to her. Fill her with reassurance that she means everything to me. But, I don't say anything, not wanting to put her through any more unease. I hold back, convinced that it's the right thing to do, for her.

Perhaps my words will be too much, so I stay quiet, shoving down those words for now, keeping them to myself, saving her from any more overwhelming feelings.

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