Chapter 32

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"Trust me," he says.

A short time later, Jake's tattoo is all done. He absolutely loves it and I can only hope that Chloe does too. I tidy up my station and allow myself a quick moment to feel fucking proud of myself and my work. It all feels like it could be coming together for me.

Another crash followed by a ridiculous amount of laughter from out the front. Time to find out what the fuck is going on.

Adam is fucking hammered. Not fall down drunk because I don't think a man of his size could get that wasted. But drunk as in laughing at the most stupid things, cuddling his mates and oh my fucking god, being so honest it's borderline crazy. Truth serum here we fucking go! He doesn't see me enter the front desk area but Jake struts in, showing off his new ink proudly. The boys clap and holler their approval but Jake decides to push things along. See what sort of reaction he can get out of his friend.

"Fuck man. That was so intense," Jake plonks himself next to Adam on the couch.

"What was?"

"The tattoo. The pain. And Katie." He lays the bait.

"What about Katie?" His gorgeous face gets a little more serious.

"Well, she's been ogling and fucking touching me for the last two hours. What the fuck do you think I mean man? She's fucking hot," he glances at Adam with a blank face but can only hold it for a few seconds before cracking up with laughter. Adam's clenched fist and murderous look softens slightly.

"I'm just fucking with you man. She's a complete professional and awesome at her art. Just look at me man," he lifts his shirt again proudly.

Adam smiles. "Good for you man.
But don't talk about my girl like that.
Or think about talking about my girl like that.
Or talk about touching my girl like at all.
She's mine.
My girl.
My Katie-girl.
I don't want to have to kill you.
But I will.
She's mine.
All fucking mine."

He finishes his possessive rant with a smile and a giggle. Yes, the fucking massive man giggled. I can't hold back my laughter any more. Adam turns around fast and just fucking beams sun rays at me.

"There she is! There's my fucking girl!" He tries leaping off the couch and instead gets tangled in Zac's legs and falls on top of Jake, faces only inches apart.

"Have you seen her?" Adam asks Jake like it's a serious question.


"My Katie-girl. She's so fucking hot. Have you seen her? Oh my god, I have no idea what I'm doing. What she's doing with me! Me!"

He takes a few seconds to think more deeply. His eyebrows knotted together in comical concentration.

"She's got some secrets. She won't fucking tell me what they are yet. But l'ma gonna get it out of her," he says thoughtfully.

"Oh yeh genius, how you gonna do that?" Zac questions him.

Adam looks at him and squints through one eye. "I'm just gonna keep smiling at her. And if she looks at me like she's gonna kill me... I'm just gonna smile... and hope like fuck she doesn't kill me."

We eventually haul Adam out of INk and into Jake's truck. He kindly offers to drive us back to Adam's place and help me get his gigantic drunk arse inside safely.

We settle into the back seat and Adam leans over, circling his big arms around my waist and and rests his head on my lap. No need for a seatbelt and I think that about how safe I feel in his arms. Despite the recent difficulties I've had with the emotionally draining anniversary, Adam just took my distance in his stride. He didn't push or prod for an explanation, and his main concern was only if I was okay. It speaks volumes about his character and I force down a lump in my throat as a well of feelings rise up inside me. Feelings that make my heart beat feel heavier with each little breath I take. My fingers thread through his silky dark hair, a soft drunken hum vibrates from his chest, as his arms grip me tighter. His eyes are closed as I massage his scalp and a small smile is on his beautiful face. He's mesmerising. I blink back the unwanted moisture in my eyes when, in these quiet moments, I acknowledge how much I feel for this man, and the power he unknowingly holds over me.

"You're so soft. And so warm. I just want to bury myself in you," his voice grumbles into my lap.

I shake away those lingering thoughts and smile at him.

"I really wanna fuck you over the chair again, or cuddle. I'm good with whatever."

"Adam!" I scold him and smack his meaty shoulder.

Jake tries to stifle a laugh from the front seat. My face heats with embarrassment, but it's dark enough that it's not noticeable.

Adam lifts his head and looks towards Jake with a ridiculous grin.

"Hey man, you got a chair in your bedroom? I bet Chloe would love to get..."

"Adam!" I clasp my hand over his mouth to stop any more incriminating words from leaking out. He giggles behind my hand, Jake cackles from the front and I can't help but smile.

The rest of the drive is fairly quiet as the late night begins to catch up to all of us.

I grab Adam's keys and let ourselves in the house. Everything is quiet...well except for Adam stumbling in the front door and half tripping up the stairs.

"Adam mate, you're falling." Jake holds him steady as I stand a few steps behind.

He straightens himself immediately, as if those words have completely sobered him up in an instant. He looks at Jake with a serious, contemplative face, and seemingly forgets that I'm a small distance behind him.

"I have been for a while.
It's fucking frightening.
But at the same time, it's the most incredible thing I've ever felt...
My Katie-girl."

He sighs at Jake.

Then he turns around and keeps attempting to get himself up the stairs, as if his words didn't just tilt my whole world upside down. My feet are locked into place and I can't move, I can only look up at Adam's back as he disappears further into the bedroom.

Jake looks down at me with warmth and understanding in his eyes. Like he just instinctively knew what effect those words would have on me, especially as they were so unexpected.

The truth serum has either been a very good or a very bad idea... I'm just not sure which.

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