Chapter 13

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Jake's house was truely stunning. I wasn't even inside yet. Too busy gawking at this amazing building. Pricey neighbourhood. Tree lined streets. Gorgeous gardens overwhelming my senses with a bouquet of delicious smells. The house is intriguing. How does something clearly oozing wealth and luxury, still feel warm and welcoming? A delicate balance of ambiance and gentle moods about to be put to the test with a party with family and friends.

I suck in a deep breath and knock on the heavy front door. A little later than we'd agreed to meet gave me some extra time to do nothing but fret and second guess myself. Adam had invited me along to celebrate Jake and his wife finally moving into their dream home. I had met a few of the guys at Clix of course, so a few familiar faces would surely have my nerves settled. Hell no. Sweaty palms and a racing heart gave away my raging insecurities. This would be the first real social event that Adam and I had been to so I guess tonight might answer some questions about where we were really at. Of course he'd made his intentions clear that he wanted to fuck me, but since then he'd backed away and seemed to be content with getting to know me better. At least that's what I'd hoped was the reason he hadn't followed through with that promise to fucking ravage me. Maybe this thing with us meant more to him than a quick lay. Oh but it didn't mean I wasn't desperate to fuck him too. He was dead sexy. Tall, broad, gorgeous and those fucking giant paws can run all over my body all day and all night thanks very much. The door swung open just as I clenched my thighs together. Get it together. Fuck.

A beautiful blonde woman in a killer little black dress stood in the doorway grinning at me.

"Hey there, you must be Katie. I'm Chloe. Jake's wife. Come on in." Friendly. Welcoming. I entered the house feeling instantly more comfortable. Chloe's genuine smile didn't falter and I relaxed with the sincerity in her face.

"Adam's been prowling around the door for the last half hour. He'll be so pleased you're here."
A pause as we walked further into the house.

"Actually we're all happy you're here. It's about time that big hunk had something to be happy about." She gave me an even bigger grin.

"Adam's outside by the pool. My house is your house sweetie so relax and enjoy yourself," she drifted away towards some other guests with a wink and a smile.

I run my hands down my white skinny jeans and adjust my black off the shoulder top. I was showing plenty of ink tonight but a quick glance down to my roses washed away any second thoughts. I was so fucking proud of my tattoo and tonight I would be unashamedly showing more of myself than I have in a long time. I got this. I glanced around the groups of people outside. I didn't have to search too far. That six foot something mass of silky dark locks was impossible to miss. And as if he sensed me being near, Adam's head whipped around and his eyes found mine. That shit eating grin. Long strides heading straight for me. My heart rate kicked up. Too fucking sexy.

We were chest to chest as his hand slides around to the back of my neck. He leans in slowly and presses his soft lips to mine. Just a peck but shit it promised so much more. Sparks down my spine. I close my eyes and savour his taste. Too quickly he pulls away. But the look in his eyes confirmed that we both felt that undeniable need for more, just simmering away.

"You made it", he smiles.

"Of course", I wink back.

"Fuck you look amazing ", he blinks. And blinks again. Eyes glazing over.

"Thanks. You look great too", I reply a little sheepishly.

Adam shook whatever was running through his head away, grabs my hand steers us back to the group of people and started some introductions.

The time went by quickly as I was happily whisked around the party as Adam introduced me to everyone. There was endless chatter, stories and laughter in the friendly and relaxed atmosphere. A few brave guests were even taking a dip in the pool. I had brought a bag with some bathers and a change of clothes but really I had no intention of swimming tonight. Adam was sweet and attentive as I was beginning to realise his more possessive nature. Never straying from my side, always touching me, a big paw on my lower back, or holding my hand or running his fingers along my arms. My usual defensive manner was easily being chipped away by this man and I realised that I felt none of the anger or trepidation that usually swallowed me up when I felt this...peaceful.

Shit, what the hell was happening to me? His warmth was melting my angry hardened insides and there wasn't a damn thing to stop it.

"Cocktails!!!" hollered Chloe from inside.

I smiled and Adam took that as yes, so he sauntered inside and grabbed one of the delicious looking strawberry something drinks with colourful umbrellas and cherries. We met back at one of the outdoor lounges and settled in next to each other. Legs touching. His arm stretched out resting behind me.

"This house is really incredible," I remarked.

Adam looked around the house with a coy smile.
"I'm glad you think so. Jake, Chloe and I have been working on this project a while now. It's great to see it's turned out how they wanted", he replied with a satisfied smile.

"This is one of your designs?" I questioned but I already knew the answer.

"Yep, it sure is."

"It's brilliant," I said staring him dead in the eyes and radiating my sincerity. His face beamed proudly and it almost took my breath away. That warm feeling in my chest spread out reaching new depths as a comfortable silence once again lingered between us. The ever present simmering sexual tension kicking up to another level.

His fingers tickle the back of my neck, then trail around in slow lazy circles. I raise the cocktail to my lips and took a sip. I tried to keep my trembling hands steady and hoped he didn't notice how much his touch was affecting me. He leaned in closer with his warm breath and pressed his lips to my tattooed shoulder. Goosebumps erupted all over my arms. I could feel a throb deep in my core just from this barest of touches. Holy shit, I could hardly think straight. He was turning me on so much I forgot all about the party going on around us.

"Sorry. I just can't stop touching you", he mumbles quietly.

I turn my head slightly to face him.

"Don't be sorry. I don't want you to stop." I allow myself to get lost in those eyes, not glancing away so he was sure about the silent messages I was sending him, that I wanted this as much as he did. His eyes widened and his breathing hitched. Message received loud and clear.

"Heads!!!" someone yells from the pool. A ball skids towards us and crashes into my cocktail splashing red liquid all down the front of my white jeans.

Fucking great.

Back to angry.

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