Chapter 19

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I wake early and grin stupidly when I roll over to find my gorgeous girl still tangled up in the sheets and me. Last night was something I'll never forget as she completely and utterly consumed my senses. Ate me alive. Reached into my chest and demanded I let her in. Her touch. Her taste. Her smell. Her sounds. I have never experienced anything like what we did. It felt so raw and the connection between us was intense and strong. She could be the fucking devil. But from where I'm lying, she looks like a fucking angel. My cock twitches beneath the sheets. I can't do that to her. If the sex is anything close to last night, it might be too overwhelming for both of us. Emotionally. Shit I need to be careful not to let this get out of hand. I really hope we can get this right. I roll away from her to get some clarity and some coffee.

Breakfast is well underway when she sleepily strolls down the stairs wearing those god damn pink pyjamas and a small shy grin. I wonder if she has panties on underneath.


She stays well behind the island bench but I won't be having that, no fucking chance. I walk around and wrap her tightly up in my arms kissing her head and grumbling a good morning. She pulls away slightly and I take the opportunity to lean in and gently press my lips to hers. She gifts me a contented sigh and I smile into her mouth. She pulls away and giggles quietly.

"Hi," she states simply.

Sam bounds into the kitchen.

"Morning Katie. Are you staying today? It's gardening day. You have to stay. I'll get you some clothes to wear." Never takes no for an answer my sister.

Katie looks at me confused and I explain that Saturday is gardening day if she'd like to stay and help us with a small project outside.
And get dirty with me.
And sweaty with me.
In the garden.
Of course.

A short time later we all reconvene and I'm looking forward to showing Katie around outside. I know she loves gardens and being immersed in nature, her tattoo is a stark example of her passion and being in a place where she is relaxed and happy. I'm completely fucking distracted by what the hell she's wearing as she steps outside. Tiny denim shorts. Work boots. A short sleeved checkered shirt with only a few buttons done up and the front tied in a knot, showing a sliver of flesh all the way around her toned waist. She gives me a lazy coy smile. Fuck, she knows exactly the effect she's having on me. I clear my throat and show her the garden bed we are clearing of weeds and replanting with flowers.

Before long Sam has predictably retired to the nearby sun lounge to "supervise" our work. She should actually take her rest so I'm not worried. Katie is digging away at the soil and I can see a trail of sweat and dirt between her glistening cleavage. She catches me staring but I can't look away. I want her to know that last night wasn't a one-off thing and in the cold light of day, I still want her just as much. Probably fucking more. She smiles and brings her arms closer in which then squeezes her tits together even more. Fucking little tease. I run my hands over my face and then take my sweaty shirt off and chuck it in her direction. She looks up at me and her facial expression as she ogles my naked chest is priceless. Staring. Imagining. Wanting.

"Need something?" I question with a wink. She fucking blushes and it's god damn adorable.

"Time for a break, hey. Wanna drink to cool off?" She nods yes and bites her bottom lip to stifle a smile.

I grab a couple of waters from the kitchen and pass Sam as she heads inside for a lay down. She might seem bouncy and energetic most of the time but she always needs a fair bit of rest to be able to do all she wants. She can recognise when it's time to ease up and I trust her judgment to do just that. Perfect. Time to get this girl all hot and bothered again. Thinks she can fucking tease me and get away with it. She is lying back down on the grass under a tree, hat over her eyes and her arms stretched up over her head. I settle in next to her and she goes to adjust her position.

"Don't move." She stills at my voice and draws in a deep breath, pushing her tits up and sending tingles of pleasure straight to my hardening cock. I pop the buttons open on her checkered shirt, undo the knot at the bottom and push it open revealing a sexy black lacy bra.

I crack open the bottle of water and carefully trickle a few drops close to her mouth. She opens wide and her tongue snakes out to lick up the water droplets. I continue letting drops fall on her. Some drip down her cheek and run further down her neck. I lean over and lick up her collarbone and neck, catching the remaining drops in a long lazy strip. I reach back around to the cup of ice I'd brought outside and grab a cube. I drag it back and forth across her chest which is now quickly rising and falling as her arousal becomes more consuming. Fuck she is so hot. Her skin is hot and the cube soon melts. I slip another cube under her bra and leave it nestled against her hardened nipple. One on the other side too. I grab another cube and hold it in my hand, allowing it to melt a little, then I drizzle the freezing water onto her stomach. She groans and clenches her thighs together. Fuck, I bet she's wet and dripping. I put another cube in between my teeth and lean in over her mouth. A few drips land on her lips and she opens her mouth to lick them away. I press my mouth into hers and pass the cube into her mouth. Tongues tangling together as we kiss and pass the cube back and forth until it melts away altogether. So fucking responsive and so fucking ready for me. Her chest is heaving and she reaches out for me, ready to pull me in for a deep sexy kiss. Her hands glide around the back of my sweaty back swirling up to the back of my neck. I let her pull me down to her as our lips almost touch. I hold my position still as we pant into each other's slightly open mouth's.

I stop and pull away. "Back to work," I say gruffly and get up quickly.

"What!" she is clearly pissed. And horny. And pissed. She curses and grumbles under her breath as she gets up, huffing and pulling her shirt back together. I'm pretty sure I hear the word "arsehole" somewhere under there. I chuckle and smile at her. She glares at me for a few seconds then her face softens and she pokes her tongue out at me. I may have started something that she will most definitely finish and maybe not in a good way.

I decide it's best to change tack and ask her something that's been on my mind since last nights car ride home.

"So, tell me about your parents," I try and sound as casual as possible, not wanting to probe too much.

Apparently those six little words were enough and I can see the walls slam shut. The sadness and anger is suddenly radiating off her in waves. Jesus Christ what have I just done...

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