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Compton California
January 7th 2023

"You like that?" Jayden asked destiny as they were having sex in missionary. She didn't want to but he convinced her too.

The couple had been going at it for about an hour, maybe two. Destiny didn't find any pleasure—honestly she could've used her fingers to get herself there since he couldn't.

"Yea" she lied as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Fuck im finna cum" he groaned in her neck as she rolled her eyes, "you cumming too?"

"Mhm" she replied.

"Fuckkkkk"he grunted causing her to make the same noise.

"Ughhhh" she said trying to make it believable. He pulled out and fell beside her.

"Was that good?"

"Yup" she rolled her eyes, "so good"

"That's wassup" he nodded, "you my bitch?"

Destiny nodded, "yes"

"Good" he spoke putting on his clothes, "Igh ima head out"

"Where are you going?" she asked irritatedly. She was over it, this was the third time he was leaving right after sex.

"Chill wit' da' bros"

"Okay bye" she said lowly as she pulled the sheets over her chest.

"You mad at me?" He asked looking at her through the mirror.

"No" she said above a whisper. He walked towards her attempting to peck her lips but she moved her face.

"Why you mad?" He asked backing up.

"I'm not"

"So why you moving weird?"

"I'm not Jayden leave me the fuck alone"

"Igh you got it" he said waking out, "bitch" he mumbled before closing the door. After he walked out she jumped in the shower.

Destiny sighed as she started to get dressed. She was starting to get tired of the way Jayden was treating her.

A lot of people wondered why she wouldn't leave him, they saw the way he treated but she would always responded by saying she loved him.

She walked downstairs seeing her twin brother, Dion, sitting at the table with a girl on his lap feeding him.

"New girl?" Destiny said walking to the fridge.

"Shut up des" Dion spoke trying not to get caught up. Dion was a player, every few days you would see him with another girl. He wasn't the relationship type but he still had major respect for women.

"New girl?—what the fuck is she talking about Dion" the girl angrily asked standing up.

Dion smacked his lips before responding, "nothing baby" he uttered pulling her back on his lap, "she trippin'" he said glaring at his sister.

"Okay daddy" the girl said making destiny cringe.

"Aye when you gon stop messing wit' that bitch ass nigga??" He asked referring to his sister's boyfriend.

"Leave me alone Dion"

"I'm jus' askin'—he bitch made, so he not good enough fa' my sister"

"Dion we're not breaking up, I love him"

"Igh" he sighed, shaking his head.

"Lemme feed you daddy" the girl said holding a strawberry to his mouth.

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