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Compton California
           December 29th 2023

"Yea my boyfriend really doesn't want me here right now" Destiny spoke through the masks that were layered on her face.

"Who is he to tell you what to do?!" Her client yelled over the loud drilling noise.

"No it's not like that—he doesn't mean it like that" Destiny quickly says, "I'm pregnant and he's scared that the fumes are gonna harm the baby"

"Ahhhh okay—well that's understandable"

"But I told him that I would mask up multiple times just for him, I gotta get this bag"

"Okay I see you Ms money maker" the client laughs.

"Shiva please" Destiny chuckled. Her focus was soon placed onto her phone as it rang.

"Hello" she answered.

"Aye you know dad home right?" Dion said immediately causing Destiny's eyebrows to furrow.

"Dad's home?"

"Yea, momma just called me and told me that nigga came home last night and he talking bout he wan' see us"

Destiny let out a deep sigh, "well I'm at work right now, I have one more client to do after this one and then I'm done for the day" she said before licking her lips, "so I'll come over when I'm finished"

"Igh text me when you getting off, ima just come over the same time you is"


"And why the fuck you sound muffled?" Dion asked causing Destiny to chuckle.

"I promised jeezy that I would mask up when I'm at work, so"

"Oh—how that nigga doing?"

"He's—" she trailed off, "he's doing"

"Mm, he coming witchu ta' momma house?"

"Probably not, he's working today"

"Aight, hit me up when you leavin'"

"Okay, love you"

"Luh you too lil sis" Dion said before hanging up.

. . . . . . . .
                     5:39 pm
"Hey mommy" Destiny says as she hug her mother.

"Hey baby" Ronda pulled away, "hey son"

"Hey ma" Dion said lowly before kissing her cheek, "where that nigga at?"

Ronda plucked her son on the head causing him to hiss in pain.

"The hell that was for ma?"

"What I tell you about cursing around me boy" Ronda warned, "and that nigga is your father, so be respectful"

Ronda walked away causing her two children to follow behind her. They all entered the living room only to see Marcus sitting on the couch.

"Dad" Destiny said with a small smile.

"Hey babygirl" Marcus said walking towards Destiny to give her a hug.

"I missed you so much, I'm not even kidding" she mumbled into his chest.

"I missed you too"

Dion cleared his throat, "uhh don't forgot your other child the fuck"

Marcus pulled away from his daughter before punching his son in the arm, playfully.

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